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Re: [rgui-dev] Re: Say no to SWT! :)

From: Kero van Gelder
Subject: Re: [rgui-dev] Re: Say no to SWT! :)
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2002 22:10:04 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

> First, some background. That super-secret project is called Koei and
> was started by Danny of RUDL fame. I was going to spearhead development
> of Koei using just the SDL backend as the first low-level plugin.
> Ruby-wise was on the study agenda; I didn't realize it had cross-platform
> issues.

define issues; the issue referred to here is that the only engine
below Ruby-Wise currently implemented is Xlib. But all things can be
ironed out when ppl want other engines (Win32? g2? framebuffer?
whatever you like). I'll help with tuning the architecture of Ruby-Wise
and how the different engines can be used as uniform as possible.

> Gutopia came into being around then and now it has my mindshare.
> I guess ruby-wise should aim to be the TCL/Tk of the Ruby world as I
> mentioned at the top of this thread.

Sounds good :)

> If so, then it should be independent
> of gutopia, but share the same API that the user sees. If my Koei thoughts
> are applicable, then such a tk will need to be two tiered: API abstraction
> layer and low-level glue. The low level glue should be pluggable: glue for
> SDL, glue for xlib, glue for MSWindows, and so on.

I agree 100%

> That should take care
> of portability, and I believe this is how TCL/Tk works. Maybe it's time to
> study TCL/Tk. :)

I've never seen Tk on Windows... But studying Ruby/Tk is useful, it
is a powerful toolkit with high expressive power. Sometimes it is
awkward, e.g. it has only two layout managing styles.

+--- Kero ------------------------------ address@hidden ---+
|  Don't split your mentality without thinking twice       |
|                          Proud like a God -- Guano Apes  |
+--- M38c ---------- ---+

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