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Re: [rgui-dev] ParaGUI or ClanLib binding

From: Tom Sawyer
Subject: Re: [rgui-dev] ParaGUI or ClanLib binding
Date: 10 Aug 2002 20:21:34 -0600

A Blessing!

i read your posting with much celebration! very happy to here that
somone wants to take on this endeavor. i had thought it might be some
time before the "GL" portion of GUtopIa saw any light. But the light has
already come and his name is Leon! thanks Leon!

yes, part of what we must determinine, with certainty, is still which
backends to use. but it looks like it will pan out this way: Ruby-Wise
for a Ruby-native backend (gamma), wxWindows for a multi-platform
native-integration backend (omega-WX), and ParaGUI/SDL, or ClanLib, for
a gaming/multimedia backend (omega-GL). we also have FOX (omega-FX) and
a GTK backend bindings for testing purposes, but they are not intended
for general use. although they could become so in the future if someone
wanted to continue to work on them.

of course any input you have in these regards will be greatly

since your motivation is toward a game you are developing and therefore
will reuqire the "higher-order" capabilities of GUtopIa, which we have
not yet explored, i will happily turn that leading task over to you. if
you accept, it then ultimatly falls to you to determine if we should use
ParaGUI/SDL or ClanLib, and to be the primary advisor on how the GUtopIa
Meta-API needs to reflect the requiremets of that backend. let me know
if this works for you.

glad to have you aboard. tell me if you need anything. and keep me a
breast of your progress!


On Sat, 2002-08-10 at 17:17, Leon Torres wrote:
> Greetings!
> I'm willing to help make a binding to ParaGUI or ClanLib to Ruby so
> experimental translation work can begin. I've previously attempted to make
> the ParaGUI binding but failed due to 1) usability of ruby swig module
> at the time and 2) possibly incomplete information regarding requirements
> for swig binding from the ParaGUI developer. Time has passed since then
> and I'm willing to attempt this again, or perhaps try ClanLib if their
> library is any better.
> According to a ToDo on the guitopia wiki, the first order of business is
> to determine which tk is better. I am interested in lending my opinion on
> this matter and will approach the evaluation by comparing and contrasting
> the following:
> 1) problem domains
> 2) ease of binding through swig
> 3) maturity of project

> Point 2 should be the most important overall, but it should be weighted by
> the other two, especially since the feature set of ClanLib is much larger
> than ParaGUI's and much of ClanLib's functionality can be reproduced in
> pure Ruby or as a C extension as needed.
> Anyone else out there also wrestling with these issues?
> My motivation comes from a desire to finish a 2D board game I wrote
> earlier this year as a hobby and learning exercise. The itch to get
> this out has been pretty terrible recently and I'm willing to devote lots
> of time to get it done. Initially, it was going to be prototyped in Ruby
> then coded in C++, but I decided to stick to Ruby because C++ isn't very
> nice for hobby programming. :p
> - Leon
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