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[bug#71594] [PATCH] file-systems: Allow specifying CIFS credentials in a

From: guix
Subject: [bug#71594] [PATCH] file-systems: Allow specifying CIFS credentials in a file.
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 14:32:50 +0200


On 2024-06-20T11:22:15-0400, Richard Sent wrote:
Hi vicvbcun!

vicvbcun <> writes:


thanks for the review!

I believe CIFS will add a password2 mount option in 6.9.4 [1]. We should
check if mount.cifs supports putting that option in the credentials file
and match their behavior. If that's too much an ask (Guix's mount.cifs
may not be new enough), I think a comment or proactive bug report is

Looking at the latest version of mount.cifs[0], it doesn't seem to
handle `password2' intentionally: Passing `password2' on the command
line should work, but only because the return value of `parse_opt_token'
is not checked for `OPT_ERROR'; in a credentials file it is accepted (as
`parse_cred_line' only checks for a "pass" prefix) but passed as
`password' instead.

I think that being able to specify `password2' in a credentials file
makes sense and my patch doesn't forbid it.

If exposing an interface identical to that of `mount.cifs' and
preserving the exact semantics (e.g `mount.cifs' complains when multiple
passwords are specified and takes the first one) is the ultimate goal,
I'd just shell out to `mount.cifs'. I certainly won't implement all the
idiosyncrasies :).


Agreed, emulating mount.cifs in totality is too much. My concern with
divergences in functionality is most users will read mount.cifs
documentation for CIFS mount-options and whatnot, then potentially get
bit when Guix does something different.
In this case the divergence is small and shouldn't cause issues.
As long as what Guix offers is a superset, feature requests won't be sent our way :). With the patch, I think there is should be a reasonable match between the behaviour as documented in mount.cifs(8) and that of Guix.

I think a XXX: style comment is appropriate.

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
;; Read password, user and domain options from file
;; XXX: Unlike mount.cifs this function reads password2 in the
;; credential file and returns it separately from password.
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
done, I have elaborated a bit more though

I wouldn't be surprised if mount.cifs eventually adopts the same
behavior. I can't think of a reason why putting password2 in the
credentials file shouldn't be supported.
The `password2' options is seems mainly useful for remounting when a new password is available. Creating a temporary credential file might be considered overcomplicated. I suspect that when developing the feature it just worked when specified on the command line and was forgotten about subsequently.

Take it easy,
Richard Sent
Making my computer weirder one commit at a time.


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