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[bug#70615] closed (Re: [bug#70615] [PATCH 0/2] Update haxe and hashlink

From: Vasilii Smirnov
Subject: [bug#70615] closed (Re: [bug#70615] [PATCH 0/2] Update haxe and hashlink)
Date: Fri, 3 May 2024 20:29:37 +0200

On 5/3/24 17:08, John Kehayias wrote:
Just a heads up that these patches applied without full commit logs
(which weren't included in the patches sent either). Patch 1 also
affected 3 packages, maybe the haxe ones needed to be upgraded together
(along with the ocaml-luv?) but that should have been noted (and
probably still done separately).


Hi, John. I did add an explanation for ocaml-luv in the commit message (git show 2205660ce2), but yeah, it's not in the ChangeLog format. Sorry about that.

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