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[bug#70567] [PATCH 0/7] frama-c: Update to 28.1.

From: Arnaud Daby-Seesaram
Subject: [bug#70567] [PATCH 0/7] frama-c: Update to 28.1.
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2024 16:54:34 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.12.4; emacs 29.3


Thank you for these patches.  I confirm that the patches do apply, and
that packages build.

That said, I still experience an issue when trying to run frama-c.
I can enter a `guix shell frama-c` environment, but then:

- `frama-c --version` outputs "28.1 (Nickel)", as expected.
- `frama-c --help` errors out with the following error:
    | Unexpected error (The library "frama-c-alias.core" can't be found
    | in the search paths
    | "/gnu/store/psmc4940aa9bj23dddkglv0p2yhi05kn-ocaml-4.14.1/lib".).
  together with a backtrace.

Note: this issue is also present in Guix for frama-c version
      27.1 (Cobalt).

I am missing additional packages (maybe in another channel) which would
provide frama-c-* packages?

Orthogonal comment: should "http://"; be replaced by "https://";?

Best regards,


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