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[bug#70146] Upstreaming wasmtime

From: Jean-Pierre De Jesus Diaz
Subject: [bug#70146] Upstreaming wasmtime
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2024 10:43:05 +0000

>One way could probably be to share a git repository for the time being,
>with the shared code, so we can both upstream the relevant packages. I
>would probably base it on yours, as you have done more manual work in
>the way of adding descriptions and removed the ittapi.

I've made this branch:

It currently contains all of the patches in the patch series including
the tree-sitter ones.

I'll probably end up making another branch to rebase on the rust-team
branch as that can
potentially reduce the number of patches needed as some I did are
already there I think.

On Fri, Apr 5, 2024 at 1:36 PM Maya <> wrote:
> On 2024-04-05 10:03, Jean-Pierre De Jesus Diaz wrote:
> > Sure, would like to, just not sure how to do it, I think it'd be
> > preferable to ask
> > comitters to merge yours first so that I can rebase and `inherit' from your
> > packages and not do it the other way around since it'd require more diff
> > lines.
> One way could probably be to share a git repository for the time being,
> with the shared code, so we can both upstream the relevant packages. I
> would probably base it on yours, as you have done more manual work in
> the way of adding descriptions and removed the ittapi.
> But it is your call. I also cannot send more than 20 emails a day, due
> to my provider's limits, so 120 commits are not very manageable for me
> to send as a patch series.
> > I don't think I'll provide a wasmtime-cli for version 18 but the other 
> > crates
> > I'll do, unless you need it and I can then add those.
> I think the most packages are pretty much the same. Maybe some patch
> versions are bumped, which will need to bump them as well.
> The second option on the course of actions is to just upstream
> wasmtime-cli-18 after your patch series is merged, and bump the
> necessary packages later. I don't want to burden you, I just want to
> find a way for upstreaming both our work into guix.
> As I would appreciate having wasmtime available in guix, but it can
> wait. It was mostly an afternoon project of packaging and merging
> changes and then I found your patch.

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