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[bug#68524] [PATCH 0/2] Support root encryption and secure boot

From: Lilah Tascheter
Subject: [bug#68524] [PATCH 0/2] Support root encryption and secure boot
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2024 14:40:40 -0500
User-agent: Evolution 3.46.4

sorry for the late responses; I don't actually get sent your replies
unless you cc me.

and yeah don't worry it's isolated. there's only two bits of systemd
used, systemd-boot-stub and ukify. ukify is pretty much just a single
python script, and systemd-boot-stub is just a bit of code tacked on to
the boot process to handle combining the kernel, args, and initrd
together. no daemons or code past the bootloader at all!

of note I'm currently in the process of rewriting the entire guix
bootloader stack to make this work a Lot nicer. sooo hopefully that
gets finished soon.

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