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[bug#67512] [PATCH v4 3/4] gnu: Add wasm packages.

From: Ian Eure
Subject: [bug#67512] [PATCH v4 3/4] gnu: Add wasm packages.
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2024 18:18:03 -0800
User-agent: mu4e 1.8.13; emacs 28.2

Clément Lassieur <> writes:

Are you saying you want a process like:

1a. Get wasm toolchain stuff merged.
1b. Get Librewolf merged without WASM sandboxing.
2. Update icecat, torbrowser, mullvad, and librewolf to use WASM sandboxing.

Excatly.  1b can be done after 1a, or before 1a.

Is there a technical reason why landing WASM sandboxing support for all browsers in the same patch is desirable? I can intuit none, and as I’m disinclined to either roll back portions of my existing patchset, or work on other browsers, the proposal is disagreeable.

I’m fine with splitting off the WASM toolchain stuff into a separate patch, and then merging LibreWolf afterwards. If others would like to add WASM sandboxing to their Firefox-derived browsers afterwards, they are, of course, welcome to.

Is there further guidance on where the WASM toolchain packages should be placed? It seemed there was objection to having them in (gnu packages wasm), but nobody has proposed an alternate location or engaged with the options I presented.


 — Ian

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