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[bug#66262] Failed to build in QA

From: Christopher Baines
Subject: [bug#66262] Failed to build in QA
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 16:06:43 +0000
User-agent: mu4e 1.10.7; emacs 29.1

Reza Housseini <> writes:

> Hi Christopher
> I submitted a new revision to the issue, but the QA link shows
> Issue not found
> This could mean the issue does not exist, it has no patches or has
> been closed.
> do you know what the problem is here?

There's two issues, one is the machine running Patchwork is low on disk
space, and that keeps stopping new messages being processed. I've
resolved that for now.

The other issue with the v4 series is that Patchwork has got confused
and only picked out the first of the v4 patches. The threading also
looks weird to me in my email client, but I'm not quite sure why. How
did you send the v4 patches?



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