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[bug#67272] [PATCH] gnu: Add emacs-zop-to-char.

From: Liliana Marie Prikler
Subject: [bug#67272] [PATCH] gnu: Add emacs-zop-to-char.
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2023 20:38:15 +0100
User-agent: Evolution 3.46.4

Am Montag, dem 20.11.2023 um 10:40 +0100 schrieb Rostislav Svoboda:
> Hello
> > I disagree. Guix usually sticks to actual releases [...] Note that
> > if the last change was that important for the author, they would
> > have made a release out of it.
> Sticking to actual releases makes sense for packages that follow a
> "release-has-a-version" policy, which is common for big & popular
> ones.
> But there's a number [see below] of smaller, less popular elisp
> packages with infrequent contributions where the author doesn't
> really bother with a strict "tagged-releases" policy. Sometimes it's
> forgotten over the years, so "rolling-releases" become the norm.
> IMO that's the case for our
> too. Our 00152aa was
> done on May 1, 2018. That's over five years ago. Waiting for 1.2
> doesn't make sense. It's probably not happening anytime soon, not
> even soon-ish, even though the 00152aa seems to be important.
You are right in that it does make sense to not only consider releases,
but Nicolas has already named a reason to do so among several valid
reasons.  "It fixes a donation link in the README" is, in my humble
opinion, not that.  Now you might want to question whether packaging a
five to seven year old package itself has any technical merit, but I'm
personally quite relaxed w.r.t. that concern.


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