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[bug#67128] Use CDN instead of mirrors for Apache httpd

From: glaz
Subject: [bug#67128] Use CDN instead of mirrors for Apache httpd
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2023 15:10:32 +0300

Hello fellow guixers.

I've found that I cannot build httpd package because of download issues.

downloading from ...

sha256 hash mismatch for /gnu/store/sil2xmw01qmyygdbhvrsvyvmaviha2dy-httpd-2.4.58.tar.bz2:
  expected hash: 1id45r2ccgkbjm9i998997ch32lvicpyynyx8x6aa4420wmdf5ps
  actual hash:   0mdqa9w1p6cmli6976v4wi0sw9r4p5prkj7lzfd1877wk11c9c73

On the other hand, Apache web site states clearly that it doesn't use mirror system anymore: "As of the third quarter of 2021, the ASF stopped using its download mirror system. It is now using a global content distribution network (CDN)."

So I've made a patch that disables Apache mirrors for httpd@2.4.58 and httpd/pinned@2.4.52 packages.

Dmitry Nikolaev

Attachment: disable_apache_mirror_for_httpd.patch
Description: Text Data

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