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[bug#66422] Fwd: «JRM’s Syntax-rules Primer for the Merely Eccentric» li

From: Grigory Shepelev
Subject: [bug#66422] Fwd: «JRM’s Syntax-rules Primer for the Merely Eccentric» licensing status
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2023 12:44:20 +0300

---------- Forwarded message ---------
От: Joe Marshall <>
Date: пт, 13 окт. 2023 г. в 12:18
Subject: Re: «JRM’s Syntax-rules Primer for the Merely Eccentric» licensing status
To: Grigory Shepelev <>

Here is the blog post:

On Fri, Oct 13, 2023 at 1:47 AM Grigory Shepelev <> wrote:
Thanks. Could you also create a post on the status update in your blog or somewhere public?
I needed the status update to pack it into guix.

пт, 13 окт. 2023 г., 11:26 Joe Marshall <>:
I'd prefer to publish it under a MIT or share and share alike license.
Public domain would mean that anyone could claim authorship or munge it and put my name on it, etc.
I'd like it to remain mostly intact (with errors corrected, of course) if it is going to have my name on it.
But feel free to copy it and distribute it.

On Fri, Oct 13, 2023 at 1:12 AM Grigory Shepelev <> wrote:

I believe you are the JRM who wrote «Syntax-rules Primer …». Thanks a lot for that document. I couldn't find any info on its licensing.

Could you please claim what license it is? It'd be nice if you'd publish it in a public domain, so that would help lots and lots of newbie schemers like me.



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