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[bug#66143] [PATCH]: Update emacs-slime and sbcl-slime-swank to 2.28-0.1

From: Christopher Baines
Subject: [bug#66143] [PATCH]: Update emacs-slime and sbcl-slime-swank to 2.28-0.1e4b741
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2023 11:01:13 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.10.5; emacs 28.2

André A. Gomes <> writes:

> Hi Guix,
> Please find the patch attached.  Thanks!

It seems like you've attached two patches? It's useful to just send one
patch per email, as lots of tooling expects that.

Looking at the first patch though, packaging anything but the latest
release shouldn't be the norm [1].


You need to put the reasoning for updating these packages to these
specific commits in to some comments. Depending on that justification as
well, we need to decide whether to ship these versions in addition to
the latest releases, or as you're doing currently to replace the latest
releases with these snapshots.

What approach to take depends on the justification, e.g. if the latest
release is unusable or using it could be problematic, then replacing it
with a snapshot seems better, otherwise, we should create package
variants (e.g. emacs-slime-next) for these snapshots.

Does that make sense?



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