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[bug#64369] Request for merging "mesa-updates" branch

From: John Kehayias
Subject: [bug#64369] Request for merging "mesa-updates" branch
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2023 16:23:35 +0000

Hi Chris,

On Thu, Jul 20, 2023 at 05:03 PM, Christopher Baines wrote:

> John Kehayias <> writes:
>> However, doesn't seem like Cuirass has picked up this change and hasn't
>> built yet. Any idea why?
> Cuirass at seems to be having problems noticing new
> revisions. At least it's about a day behind for master branch revisions.

Okay, thanks for the info. So either way will let things build through
the weekend probably.

>> My plan right now was going to be to merge master into mesa-updates, see
>> what the build status looks like, and then decide from there. If there
>> were not too many rebuilds (say less than 1000) from the updates on
>> master, we should be able to go ahead soon. And then start on the next
>> round of patches/updates for mesa-updates.
>> On the other hand, if there were lots of rebuilds there are other
>> patches waiting that should be used also (libdrm, libva if I remember)
>> as well as ungrafting the change on master. So, preventing waiting and
>> doing another big rebuild with the changes that have been waiting since
>> the first build of this branch.
>> What do people think? My thought right now was to revert this change
>> (since it rebuilds all of mesa dependents), merge master in, and check
>> the status. But I'm confused why Cuirass wasn't building.
> The mesa package wasn't affected by tex-team-next, so unless there are
> other inputs to most/all off the packages to which mesa is an input,
> there shouldn't be many rebuilds. I'd still rebase or merge master in to
> the branch and see what QA says though.

Right, wasn't sure what the number of rebuilds the texlive updates
caused beyond tex-related stuff, so I didn't want to assume.

Are we able to rebase and then force push on savannah? I thought not,
or is that just for the master branch? If I can force push (I suppose
I could just try later), I would leave off 64738 (zstd in mesa) and
rebase on master. Otherwise I guess revert and merge master to

> Whether you want to revert this latest commit and try and merge sooner,
> or wait for things to be built and merge later is up to you though.

Then either way see what rebuilding looks like. If there isn't much
I'd opt for going sooner while we have substitutes already and then
gather these other patches for the next merge. Likely waiting for a
new mesa update which is probably due very soon. But if things will be
rebuilding a lot anyway, I might as well get all these other related
changes in to just build once.

Thanks Chris, I'll see what to do and keep an eye on the builds.


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