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[bug#63984] [PATCH emacs-team 0/2] Start preparing for Emacs 29

From: Mekeor Melire
Subject: [bug#63984] [PATCH emacs-team 0/2] Start preparing for Emacs 29
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2023 18:15:02 +0000

2023-07-08 19:04

Am Dienstag, dem 04.07.2023 um 07:39 +0000 schrieb Mekeor Melire:

> Why don't we build emacs-minimal with the configure-flag > --with-native-compilation=aot? If I understand correctly, this > would compile all .el-files of emacs-packages to .eln-files by > default. If I understand correctly, this currently only > happens for emacs-packages that use (arguments (#:emacs > emacs)).

There's no point in using emacs-minimal for native-comp. It would just blow up our package sizes for no gain (any other emacs won't read the natively compiled elisp stuff due to having a different hash). If you have a use case for natively compiled emacs-minimal (e.g. for editing stuff on a server that should only carry small packages), I think there are better options (possibly emacs-no-x or using a "transformed" package).

Sorry. I think my suggestion was wrong and also I should submit it as a 
separate discussion. I'll send it to guix-devel. Stay tuned.

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