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[bug#37413] [PATCH 0/9] Channel news distribution mechanism

From: Ricardo Wurmus
Subject: [bug#37413] [PATCH 0/9] Channel news distribution mechanism
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2019 19:16:50 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.2.0; emacs 26.2

Ludovic Courtès <address@hidden> writes:

> Hi,
> Ricardo Wurmus <address@hidden> skribis:
>>> Ricardo Wurmus <address@hidden> skribis:
>>>> Ludovic Courtès <address@hidden> writes:
>>>>> It’s a bit weird to refer to commits from within a file in the repo
>>>>> because it almost forces you to push so that you know the commit ID
>>>>> that your news entry should refer to.  News entries become obsolete
>>>>> if you rebase, too.  I think it’s acceptable, though.
>>>> Would tags be acceptable instead of commit IDs?  I think version tags
>>>> would be easier to deal with than commit IDs and it wouldn’t require
>>>> time travel as you can just make up a new version and refer to that in
>>>> the news file.
>>> So you would add a Git tag like “news-xyz” on the commit of interest and
>>> then refer to it in the news entry?
>> No, I actually meant for releases.  For a channel it seems to me that a
>> release would make sense whenever information must be displayed to the
>> users (presumably to announce breaking changes).
> The way I see it, we could use it in between release.  I’d have used it
> to announce lzip support (and then explain how users can migrate, which
> I think many haven’t done because they’re unaware), improvements to
> ‘guix pack’, the addition of ‘guix deploy’, things like that.
> Does that make sense?

I see.  Well, I think there’s no harm in pushing the changes first and
then pushing a follow-up commit with the news entry referencing the

This all looks good to me.  Sure seems useful!


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