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[bug#28404] The complete Google Noto Fonts
From: |
ng0 |
Subject: |
[bug#28404] The complete Google Noto Fonts |
Date: |
Mon, 11 Sep 2017 12:21:41 +0000 |
ng0 transcribed 4.2K bytes:
> Ludovic Courtès transcribed 1.2K bytes:
> > Hi ng0,
> >
> > ng0 <address@hidden> skribis:
> >
> > > These patches add all of Google Noto font.
> > >
> > > Be aware that you will need at least 600 MB for the source tarballs.
> > > There are only 5 real big tarballs, the rest is small.
> > >
> > > You will have 86 or 87 patches, so if you want to test it in another
> > > way try adding my guix developer repository at
> > > https://gitweb.krosos.org/ng0_guix/guix if I fixed it
> > > (otherwise git://git.krosos.org/srv/git/ng0/ng0_guix/guix works).
> >
> > Woow, impressive piece of work!
> Thanks.
> > > The only things which really are unique are:
> > > filenames + name + variable name + hash
> >
> > To me, that clearly suggests that we need a function to produce the
> > package, like:
> >
> > (define (google-noto-font-package name hash)
> > (package
> > (name (string-append "font-google-" (camel-case->hyphens name)))
> > …))
> >
> > Could you look into that?
> I thought about this while I worked on it, but I was running out of
> free time. I'll see if I can resolve this. I'll get back to this thread
> with questions or results.
> > > As Google (and 99% of all fonts out there) update in place,
> > > I have a versioned inofficial mirror directory in case we
> > > should ever want to use it.
> >
> > That’s a bummer. Are you sure there’s no versioned URL somewhere?
> I'm absolutely sure that there is no official download link with versions.
> This problem is a basic condition in the font distribution, you have met
> a happy exception if you have some kind of version in the name of the
> distributed archive file and even more so when you have no file updating
> in place.
> If we find no other solution, my server is located in Germany, has enough
> diskspace (fonts aren't that big) and I have fair-use uncapped bandwidth
> (if I hit some kind of TBs/month limit, monthly fee will be adjusted.
> same network, different server: 40+ TB tor node was okay).
> I would not be happy with this, but I'd do it. Google should provide versions
> but try to get Google to do anything which is not giving up on projects
> in ramdon patterns… :/ People and projects already fail with Chromium
> requests,
> no idea if I can convince them to version the fonts. It's not like they
> don't have the diskspace.
> > Alternatively, could we build from source with FontForge or something?
> Well they are build from source, and the source is on github.
> for cjk: https://github.com/googlei18n/noto-cjk
> not cjk: https://github.com/googlei18n/noto-fonts
> emoji: https://github.com/googlei18n/noto-emoji
> and they seem to use noto-tools for building, but I haven't looked
> into the build process at all.
I have to wait for another reply, so I started some notes on the lines above.
Emoji: can be build with "make" given the condition that nototools
(https://github.com/googlei18n/nototools/) is available. This in turn
depends on (python):
booleanOperations==0.7.0 defcon==0.3.1 fonttools==3.9.1
Pillow==4.0.0 pyclipper==1.0.6 ufoLib==2.0.0
emoji repo checked out with the whole history: 249 MB
emjo tagged tar: 33.5MB
cjk repo, latest tagged release (1st semester of 2017): 1.6 GB
cjk repo checked out with the whole history: 3.4 GB
rest of noto, repo: 1.0 GB
rest of noto, tagged tar: 351 MB
The distributed fonts, pre-build:
address@hidden:/var/www/krosos/mirror/fonts/noto-font/20170403# ls -hs
total 600M
8.0K Noto.20170403.sha256.txt 260K NotoSansKannada-hinted.zip
4.5M NotoColorEmoji-unhinted.zip 8.0K
288K NotoEmoji-unhinted.zip 16K
84K NotoKufiArabic-hinted.zip 96K NotoSansKhmer-hinted.zip
72K NotoMono-hinted.zip 76K NotoSansLao-hinted.zip
464K NotoNaskhArabic-hinted.zip 40K
164K NotoNastaliqUrdu-unhinted.zip 12K NotoSansLimbu-unhinted.zip
32K NotoSansArmenian-hinted.zip 40K
12K NotoSansAvestan-unhinted.zip 8.0K NotoSansLisu-unhinted.zip
20K NotoSansBalinese-unhinted.zip 8.0K NotoSansLycian-unhinted.zip
96K NotoSansBamum-unhinted.zip 200K
12K NotoSansBatak-unhinted.zip 16K
400K NotoSansBengali-hinted.zip 340K NotoSansMyanmar-hinted.zip
16K NotoSansBrahmi-unhinted.zip 12K NotoSansNKo-unhinted.zip
8.0K NotoSansBuginese-unhinted.zip 8.0K NotoSansOgham-unhinted.zip
8.0K NotoSansBuhid-unhinted.zip 8.0K
28K NotoSansCanadianAboriginal-unhinted.zip 8.0K
8.0K NotoSansCarian-unhinted.zip 8.0K
32K NotoSansCham-hinted.zip 328K NotoSansOriya-hinted.zip
48K NotoSansCherokee-hinted.zip 8.0K
116M NotoSansCJKjp-hinted.zip 8.0K
116M NotoSansCJKkr-hinted.zip 8.0K NotoSansRunic-unhinted.zip
116M NotoSansCJKsc-hinted.zip 12K
116M NotoSansCJKtc-hinted.zip 8.0K
20K NotoSansCoptic-unhinted.zip 12K
276K NotoSansCuneiform-unhinted.zip 16K
8.0K NotoSansCypriot-unhinted.zip 404K
12K NotoSansDeseret-unhinted.zip 28K
356K NotoSansDevanagari-hinted.zip 28K
296K NotoSansEgyptianHieroglyphs-unhinted.zip 28K
172K NotoSansEthiopic-hinted.zip 32K
44K NotoSansGeorgian-hinted.zip 32K NotoSansThaana-hinted.zip
12K NotoSansGlagolitic-unhinted.zip 8.0K
8.0K NotoSansGothic-unhinted.zip 200K
344K NotoSansGujarati-hinted.zip 125M NotoSerifCJKtc-hinted.zip
128K NotoSansGurmukhi-hinted.zip 128K
8.0K NotoSansHanunoo-unhinted.zip 44K
28K NotoSansHebrew-hinted.zip 100K
1.3M NotoSans-hinted.zip 840K NotoSerif-hinted.zip
8.0K NotoSansImperialAramaic-unhinted.zip 40K NotoSerifLao-hinted.zip
8.0K NotoSansInscriptionalPahlavi-unhinted.zip 64K NotoSerifTamil-hinted.zip
8.0K NotoSansInscriptionalParthian-unhinted.zip 180K NotoSerifTelugu-hinted.zip
24K NotoSansJavanese-unhinted.zip 36K NotoSerifThai-hinted.zip
32K NotoSansKaithi-unhinted.zip
> We want to avoid download large source repository checkouts
> or large tarballs, this was one of the problems this project
> was set out to solve.
Would the tagged tarball of CJK be considered too big for our CI?
Before we can break it up in small pieces we need to deal with what
Google provides, which is awful in size.
> If someone could look into the build process and describe it here
> and how big the repositories are, this would save a good amount
> of time for me (can't look into it that much this week I think).
> > An example of that is ‘font-linuxlibertine’.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Ludo’.
> >
> --
> ng0
> GnuPG: A88C8ADD129828D7EAC02E52E22F9BBFEE348588
> GnuPG: https://krosos.org/dist/keys/
> https://www.infotropique.org https://www.krosos.org
GnuPG: A88C8ADD129828D7EAC02E52E22F9BBFEE348588
GnuPG: https://krosos.org/dist/keys/
https://www.infotropique.org https://www.krosos.org
Description: PGP signature
- [bug#28404] The complete Google Noto Fonts, ng0, 2017/09/10
- [bug#28404] The complete Google Noto Fonts, Ludovic Courtès, 2017/09/11
- [bug#28404] The complete Google Noto Fonts, ng0, 2017/09/11
- [bug#28404] The complete Google Noto Fonts, Ludovic Courtès, 2017/09/11
- [bug#28404] The complete Google Noto Fonts,
ng0 <=
- [bug#28404] The complete Google Noto Fonts, Ludovic Courtès, 2017/09/12
- [bug#28404] The complete Google Noto Fonts, ng0, 2017/09/12
- [bug#28404] The complete Google Noto Fonts, Ludovic Courtès, 2017/09/12
- [bug#28404] The complete Google Noto Fonts, ng0, 2017/09/25