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Re: A paper about Plan 9 and Guix

From: Edouard Klein
Subject: Re: A paper about Plan 9 and Guix
Date: Sun, 02 Jun 2024 15:14:20 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.10.2; emacs 28.2

Ludovic Courtès <> writes:

> Hi,
> Edouard Klein <> skribis:
>> I'll be presenting it not next week end, but the one after (12-14 April
>> 2024).
> Yay, congrats!

Thanks :)

>> I'd be happy if some of you would be so kind as to read it with their
>> extensive knowledge of Guix, in case I've made a mistake somewhere.
> Interesting read!
> I wonder to what extent the combination of ‘make-inetd-constructor’ and
> ‘least-authority-wrapper’ would fit the bill for you?  (This is currently
> used for the bitlbee, dicod, and rsync services.)  It seems to address
> the main shortcomings listed in Section 1.

I simply was not aware of the existence of least-authority-wrapper. It
does look nicer that passing a slew of options to guix shell

It sure would be nice if shepherd could be used to manage those daemons,
just to avoid having two concurrent systems doing the same kind of work,
but I'd still need a way to monitor the /run/listen directory, and start
and stop shepherd services on the fly. It is probably doable, but it
is a huge refactor.

> Thanks,
> Ludo’.

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