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Bumping NodeJS from 18.19.0 to 20.0.0

From: Ashvith Shetty
Subject: Bumping NodeJS from 18.19.0 to 20.0.0
Date: Thu, 16 May 2024 18:39:31 +0000

Hello folks,
I've been trying to bump NodeJS to a newer version. My initial attempt was to bump to 22.0.0, but since that would be a huge leap, and would potentially require bumping other dependencies, I'm trying a smaller jump to 20.0.0, without the need of having to create package variants. I will attach the patch below, but that hasn't been successful so far. Here's the trimmed build log:

$ zcat /var/log/guix/drvs/cw/ym532jrh5bcmqqfxgwlzr3h7aljhdx-node-20.0.0.drv.gz
Failed tests:
out/Release/node --experimental-permission --allow-fs-read=* --allow-child-process /tmp/guix-build-node-20.0.0.drv-0/node-v20.0.0/test/parallel/test-permission-fs-wildcard.js
make: *** [Makefile:535: test-ci-js] Error 1

Test suite failed, dumping logs.
error: in phase 'check': uncaught exception:
%exception #<&invoke-error program: "make" arguments: ("test-ci-js" "-j" "8") exit-status: 2 term-signal: #f stop-signal: #f>
phase `check' failed after 566.9 seconds
command "make" "test-ci-js" "-j" "8" failed with status 2

Attachment: bump-to-node-20.patch
Description: Binary data

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