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Re-activate Coirass specification

From: Sharlatan Hellseher
Subject: Re-activate Coirass specification
Date: Fri, 10 May 2024 12:01:36 +0100

Hi Guix!

I might need to call for some advise from the person with Coirass
administration experience.

In short I'd like to set new specification for go-team
- I was provided with TLS cert (thanks to Maxim)
- Navigate to <>
  - Fill up all fields, pick the name for the specification as "go-team" 
  - Try to submit and fail with error "Specification go-team already exists" 

   - Pick other name "golang-team"
     <> and
     successfully created it

In the end I've deactivated golang-team specification attempting to
resurrect already existing go-team one, but there is no any UI option to
re-activate the specification.

I've not skim the documentation yet for that case.

Question, is it possible to re-activate it via Web UI or I need some
DB/CLI tricks on backend?

Thanks, Oleg.

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