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Re: Managing patches and branches, retrospective and futher changes?

From: Christopher Baines
Subject: Re: Managing patches and branches, retrospective and futher changes?
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2024 19:28:41 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.12.2; emacs 29.3

Steve George <> writes:

> I think we should strongly recommend against long-running unmerged branches.
> Perhaps there could be a recommendation to merge every 3 months.

My hope is that with these process changes, we won't end up with
long-running branches.

Maybe we could add a recommendation, but I'm not really sure if that
would help. We still want to merge these changes when they and related
things are ready, so it's not really something that can be willed or
commanded to happen.

> Could we add any automation to remind people if:
> 1. a branch has been unmerged for more than 3 months

We can have QA highlight how long the issues have been open for, that's
quite easy to do.

> 2. an odd merge takes places (e.g. the core-updates merges)

I'm not quite sure what you mean here?



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