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Re: Guix days guix home discussion

From: Ludovic Courtès
Subject: Re: Guix days guix home discussion
Date: Sun, 17 Mar 2024 22:18:33 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)


Ryan Prior <> skribis:

> 1. I haven't been able to use Guix Home to migrate my home config across 
> machines. I've done this 3 times since I started using Guix on what I would 
> consider advanced-level (writing Guile, defining my own packages & manifests, 
> contributing patches.) Each time, I've got frustrated with the applicability 
> of what documentation or examples I could find, and ended up migrating the 
> bad old way by copying config files & modifying them as needed. Guix does 
> help me in these migrations somewhat by allowing me to install needed 
> software environments in a non-disruptive way, but I haven't gotten any use 
> out of Home here. For reference, my attempts have been on elementary OS and 
> Ubuntu, never on Guix System.

If this is a documentation issue, it would be nice to pinpoint what
examples were missing or what info was unclear.

If it’s a more general applicability issue (like: “this thing is useless
to me”), then maybe that’s okay :-), or maybe we should look which or
your use cases should be addressed by Home but aren’t.

> 2. I've desired to use Guix Home on foreign distros to run Guix services 
> (like Docker or Postgres) via Shepherd, but have failed to do so thus far. I 
> read documentation in Guix and Shepherd, and some source code. I've got 
> Shepherd installed & running on some of my machines, but I can't figure out 
> how to use it to run Guix services. Possibly I'm missing something, but I 
> also wonder whether perhaps Guix services are only intended to run on Guix 
> System?

In general, you can only use services that are explicitly designed for
or “ported” to Guix Home, which are documented here:

(You can find them with ‘guix home search’.)

Now, there’s a mechanism in place that simplifies porting System
services to Home, though again, that work has to be done explicitly.

> I would like to help make Guix Home & services have an excellent experience 
> on foreign distros. I intend to write documentation, blog posts and code to 
> do so. I've been stuck, though, in actually making progress understanding how 
> to accomplish my aims, and every time I've tried it so far I've been in 
> enough of a hurry that I gave up after a couple days' hacking. If anybody 
> wants to pair with me or lend a hand I'd be thrilled to get back to this.

Would be great!


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