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git guix checkout automation for contributors

From: Danny Milosavljevic
Subject: git guix checkout automation for contributors
Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2022 16:06:06 +0200


So there were some comments on
about getting started with contributing to Guix.

It turns out that the barrier of entry for editing existing packages is
kinda high (I tried it myself--putting myself into the mindset of a

For example:

(1) Install the guix system
(2) Log in as regular user
(3) guix edit nano
(4) It opens a file from /gnu/store that you cannot edit.

Uhh. That's... not ideal. Maybe instead error out with a hint on what you need
to do in order to provide a local checkout? Or do we want viewing to work?

Ok, so let's say we are a little more knowledgeable:

(1) Install the guix system
(2) Log in as regular user
(3a) if [ ! -d src ]
    mkdir src
    cd src
    cd src
  fi \
  && if [ ! -d guix ]
    git clone --depth=1 guix
    (cd guix && git pull --rebase)
  fi \
  && cd guix \
  && guix shell -C -D guix -- ./bootstrap \
  && guix shell -C -D guix -- ./configure --localstatedir=/var --disable-daemon 
  && guix shell -C -D guix -- make -j5 \ <--- takes forever to build
  && ./pre-inst-env guix edit nano \
  && git add gnu/packages/*.scm

Ok, that worked.

But there are a lot of ways that can be done wrong.

Weird way it can be done wrong:

(1) install the guix system
(2) log in as regular user
(3b) git clone --depth=1 guix \
  && cd guix \
  && guix shell -C -D guix -- ./bootstrap \
  && guix shell -C -D guix -- ./configure --localstatedir=/var --disable-daemon 
  && ./pre-inst-env guix edit nano

It will open the file in /gnu/store . WTF? I'm pretty sure that that's a bug.

./pre-inst-env does exist--but it does some weird things if you don't
compile beforehand.

Also, can we put a variant of (3a) into a command "guix prepare-edit" or
It has always bothered me how manual and magical-commandy it is otherwise
(what you actually need to do also changed over the years--not good).

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