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What build system would be more appropriate for this application

From: Luis Felipe
Subject: What build system would be more appropriate for this application
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2022 22:54:17 +0000


I'm packaging a Python application that doesn't have anything requiring 
compilation, it just needs copying files to the appropriate directories, so I 
started with the copy-build-system using an install-plan as follows:

(build-system copy-build-system)
   `(("help/C/mazo" "share/help/C/")
     ("icons/mazo.svg" "share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/")
     ("mazo" "lib/python3.9/site-packages/")  ; FIXME: Use GUIX_PYTHONPATH
     ("lugare.ulkeva.Mazo.desktop" "share/applications/")
     ("" "bin/mazo"))))     ; TODO: Make executable
;; TODO: Run tests.

This way, the package builds and I'm able to run the application in a guix 
shell. However, as the comments above indicate, I'd like to

1. Indicate the destination for the "mazo" Python package using GUIX_PYTHONPATH 
instead of the hardcoded path.
2. Make sure the "bin/mazo" file is executable (the source, "", is 
executable, though).
3. Run tests

Do you think I can achieve these sticking to the copy-build-system, or would it 
be necessary to resort to meson or similar build systems?

Thanks in advance,

Luis Felipe López Acevedo

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