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Re: Sniping "guix deploy"

From: Jack Hill
Subject: Re: Sniping "guix deploy"
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2021 01:07:47 -0400 (EDT)
User-agent: Alpine 2.21 (DEB 202 2017-01-01)

Thanks Julien and Katherine

On Thu, 9 Sep 2021, Katherine Cox-Buday wrote:

Julien Lepiller <> writes:

As a rule of thumb, when you update multiple systems and one system
provides security for another, you should update the security system
before the protected system if you restrict access, and the other way
around if you allow more access. Maybe we could add that to the manual,
in addition to letting users configure upgrade order?

I am not a Guix deploy expert (although I have just begun using it --
it's great!), but it seems to me that this is a higher-order mechanism
that wields deploy in a certain way.

I'm also not a deploy expert, nor I have I finished reading Julien's paper, but I really like this idea of building mechanisms around guix deploy, so wanted to reply. Thanks for suggesting it.

I.e., as I understand it, deploy is going to walk the list of machines
you give it and run the deployment synchronously. If you wanted to build
references between machines, for security, live-upgrades, or otherwise,
I would think you'd declare some kind of data structure other than a
list (probably a graph) which would tell deploy what order to perform
the deployment.

Rolling back is a whole other matter, but I imagine that same data
structure could tell deploy how to walk it in reverse.

So, not that I have time to work on any of this, but what I would do is
shore up deploy so that it's nice and robust (I think it's still early
days), and then work on a declarative way to define machines and their
dependencies, and then a function to produce a sequence from these data
structures so deploy can stay an iterative type process.

Just late night thoughts from me :) Thanks for the input!

I know that CoreOS at one point took cluster-wide knowledge into account when performing upgrades (so as not to take down all replicas at once for instance). It and similar projects are probably too far afield to take implementation ideas from, but some of the high level concepts might be worth taking inspiration from.

Another higher level mechanism that we might need for deploy is some way to do IO when building operating system definitions. Something along the lines of how "facts" are handled in the various configuration management tools. I see this as being useful for doing things like reconfiguring a system, but leaving the disk partitioning how it is now without having to to declare what the partitions are ahead of time.* In Scheme, there is nothing stopping us from doing IO at arbitrary points in an operating system definition, but as this takes away from the declarative nature of the configuration, having shared mechanisms for doing this in a clear, maintainable, and principled way could be very useful.

Late night brainstorming is fun.

Take care,

* I suppose file systems are the most obvious place where ugly state like this can sneak its way in since they are essential giant buckets to hold state, which is probably why this example has been running around in my head. While it might be nice to think about eliminating all state that doesn't seem workable, but maybe we come up with some way to represent the state declaratively à la Haskell's IO and State monads.
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