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Re: [Guix Day] Join the conference!

From: Pjotr Prins
Subject: Re: [Guix Day] Join the conference!
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2020 20:14:23 +0100
User-agent: NeoMutt/20170113 (1.7.2)

That was a great Guix day! Thanks for organizing. I think we had
over 80 visitors, maxing around 60 at a time. I think we should do this
2-3 times a year.

How about creating a simple survey with questions on your first days
living with GNU Guix:

1. What was your primary motivation for starting with guix before you
started contributing (select one)

2. What was your second motivation for starting with guix (select one)

3. What are your other motivations now you know guix (tick any checkbox)

4. What other distros have you used for longer than a year each (tick any box)

5. What was your software development interest (free text)

6. Other remarks (free text)

The idea is to get an understanding why people come to Guix and what
motivates them to contribute (work). It may not be representative of
what is to come, but it kinda makes sense to me on what we should
focus on to find more contributors.

My anwers would be:

1. (Sane) deployment
2. Scheme 
3. Reproducibility, environment(s), programming, community, GNU...
4. Yggdrasil, Slackware, Red Hat, Rock, Debian, Nix
5. Mixed bag of programming languages and dependencies, and running
   complex web services
6. Don't plan to use anything else if I can avoid it :)


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