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Re: [PATCH] website: Add section section and links to code of conduct

From: Tonton
Subject: Re: [PATCH] website: Add section section and links to code of conduct
Date: Wed, 16 May 2018 02:29:54 +0200

I realize as I'm updating the CoC in the source and adding it to the info
docs, that the original introduction from contributing was much nicer. It
has a positive focus. Should I change the paragraf under to use
something like the following from contributing:

> We want to provide a warm, friendly, and harassment-free environment,
> so that anyone can contribute to the best of their abilities.  To this
> end our project uses a “Contributor Covenant”, which was adapted from
> <>.  You can find a local version in the
> ‘CODE-OF-CONDUCT’ file in the source tree.

I also took the liberty of starting to add the updated CoC in full as a
section under contributing in the manual (learning texinfo, it's actually
quite nice I find). Gives me two questions:

First this something we would like - to have the
CoC as a section just like we have the section Building from Git
I could also add it as a subsection of contributing, making it part of the
landing. But it seemed better to me to have it separately, maybe.

Secondly, how do I see the changes I make to the texi files after 'make
info'? This is probably covered in the manual, if so I'll find it when I
continue tomorrow.

On Wed, 16 May 2018 01:36:31 +0200
Tonton <address@hidden> wrote:

> ---
>  website/apps/base/templates/contribute.scm | 11 +++++++++++
>  1 file changed, 11 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/website/apps/base/templates/contribute.scm
> b/website/apps/base/templates/contribute.scm index 274938a..8b62994 100644
> --- a/website/apps/base/templates/contribute.scm
> +++ b/website/apps/base/templates/contribute.scm
> @@ -44,6 +44,17 @@
>         " in IRC Freenode. Tell us how would you like to help, and we
>         will do our best to guide you. ")
> +      (p
> +       "The Guix community pledge to making participation a harrassment
> +     free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size,
> disability,
> +     ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience,
> +     education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance,
> +     race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. The full text
> of our
> +     code of conduct is in "
> +       (a (@ (href ,(guix-url "manual/html_node/Contributing.html")))
> +          "the manual ")
> +       "and the file 'CODE-OF-CONDUCT' in the source tree. ")
> +
>        (div
>         (@ (class "centered-text"))

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