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Re: FW: [oss-security] accepting new members to (linux-)distros lists

From: Leo Famulari
Subject: Re: FW: [oss-security] accepting new members to (linux-)distros lists
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2017 13:24:05 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.8.3 (2017-05-23)

On Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 05:53:24PM +0200, Ludovic Courtès wrote:
> Leo Famulari <address@hidden> skribis:
> > If there were another Guix member who could split the task, and had
> > someone to vouch for them, that could make it possible. But based on the
> > replies in the last 10 days, it doesn't seem to be the case.
> There’s a handful of Guix contributors who’ve been active on security
> fixes, so it would be great if one of them could team up with you!

Yes, I'd be willing to apply for membership if I had a partner.

There is also the issue of finding someone to vouch for us. According
to the membership criteria [0]:

"9. Have someone already on the private list, or at least someone else
who has been active on oss-security for years but is not affiliated with
your distro nor your organization, vouch for at least one of the people
requesting membership on behalf of your distro (then that one
vouched-for person will be able to vouch for others on your team, in
case you'd like multiple people subscribed)"

I don't think I know anyone who meets those criteria.

I understand that people may not want to discuss that in public. If we
were ready to apply and this was the final missing piece of the puzzle,
I hope somebody would at least contact me in private to discuss it.


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