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Re: [PATCH] Help Ruby packages be reproducible

From: Ben Woodcroft
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Help Ruby packages be reproducible
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2015 09:52:21 +1000
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On 31/12/15 03:26, Ludovic Courtès wrote:
Ben Woodcroft <address@hidden> skribis:

On 29/12/15 15:46, Ben Woodcroft wrote:
Unfortunately none of these builds are reproducible because rubygems
in Guix generally aren't. For one, this is because .gem files are
archives whose contents are timestamped.
I should clarify. What I meant was the cache .gem files

tar tvf Ascii85-1.0.2.gem |head
-r--r--r-- wheel/wheel     703 2015-12-27 22:44 metadata.gz
-r--r--r-- wheel/wheel    7436 2015-12-27 22:44 data.tar.gz
-r--r--r-- wheel/wheel     268 2015-12-27 22:44 checksums.yaml.gz
We should arrange so that gems are created with a fixed timestamp and
UID/GID, and a well-defined file ordering, as with:

   address@hidden --sort=name --owner=root:0 --group=root:0

We also need to make sure gzip is always run with -n/--no-name.  That
way, the gz files above will not include an additional timestamp.

 From what I can see in
<git://>, this is not addressed
yet in other distros.
Ludo are you suggesting we should abandon the deletion approach?

On 30/12/15 18:26, Ricardo Wurmus wrote:
Ben Woodcroft <address@hidden> writes:
The .gem file stored in GEM_HOME after install is both redundant and an
archive that stores timestamped files which makes builds non-deterministic. So
delete it after 'gem install'.
Good idea!  I don’t know if the existence of the cached gem is checked
for by any Ruby tools (bundler or the like).  Is there some
documentation about this cache?
I wondered that too, but I built all of the ruby packages again without issue and many of them use bundler. It also doesn't seem like a good idea for bundler to use cached gems since I would guess that gems that are downloaded but fail to install are kept in the cache. I also wasn't able to see any mention of the cache in the rubygems API.
-    (zero? (apply system* "gem" "install" (first-matching-file "\\.gem$")
-                  "--local" "--ignore-dependencies"
-                  ;; Executables should go into /bin, not /lib/ruby/gems.
-                  "--bindir" (string-append out "/bin")
-                  gem-flags))))
+    (apply system* "gem" "install" gem-name
+           "--local" "--ignore-dependencies"
+           ;; Executables should go into /bin, not /lib/ruby/gems.
+           "--bindir" (string-append out "/bin")
+           gem-flags)
+    ;; Remove the cached gem file as this is unnecessary and contains
+    ;; timestamped files rendering builds not reproducible.
+    (delete-file (string-append gem-home "/cache/" gem-name))
+    #t))
I’d prefer to keep ‘(zero? ...)’ and only delete the file when the
‘system*’ call above succeeded.  It would be nice if we could propagate
any bad return value from ‘system*’ to the end of the procedure.

Maybe something like this:

   (and (zero? (apply system* ...))
        (begin (delete-file ...) #t))

It’s a bit clunky but the return value would still be #f if ‘system*’
fails.  What do you think?
I think you are right as usual. Better in attached?


Attachment: 0001-build-ruby-Remove-cached-gem-after-install.patch
Description: Text Data

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