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branch main updated: remote: Keep ‘last-seen’ info in memory rather than

From: Ludovic Courtès
Subject: branch main updated: remote: Keep ‘last-seen’ info in memory rather than in the database.
Date: Tue, 09 Jul 2024 06:09:58 -0400

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

civodul pushed a commit to branch main
in repository guix-cuirass.

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/main by this push:
     new e9f83e4  remote: Keep ‘last-seen’ info in memory rather than in the 
e9f83e4 is described below

commit e9f83e43f066cdc8bb4bec6ba221ade4ef7cab7b
Author: Ludovic Courtès <>
AuthorDate: Tue Jul 9 11:32:35 2024 +0200

    remote: Keep ‘last-seen’ info in memory rather than in the database.
    Previously, the ‘last_seen’ bit was kept in the database: for each and
    every ping received, ‘remote-server’ would run a SQL query to update it.
    The overhead could slow down processing of incoming messages in
    ‘remote-server’, especially with large numbers of workers.
    Suggested by Chris Baines <>.
    * src/cuirass/scripts/remote-server.scm (worker-directory)
    (spawn-worker-directory): New procedures.
    (serve-build-requests): Add ‘worker-directory’ parameter.
    [update-worker!]: Rename to…
    [update-worker]: … this.  Rewrite to send a message to WORKER-DIRECTORY.
    Remove fiber that periodically calls ‘db-remove-unresponsive-workers’.
    (cuirass-remote-server): Call ‘spawn-worker-directory’ and update
    ‘serve-build-requests’ call.
    * src/cuirass/remote.scm (<worker>)[last-seen]: Remove.
    (worker->sexp): Remove reference to ‘worker-last-seen’.
    (sexp->worker): Remove ‘last-seen’ field.
    * src/cuirass/database.scm (db-add-or-update-worker): Set ‘last_seen’ to
    (db-get-worker): Remove reference to ‘last_seen’.
    (db-get-workers): Likewise.
    (db-remove-unresponsive-workers): Rename to…
    (db-remove-workers): … this.  Adjust SQL queries accordingly.
    * src/cuirass/templates.scm (machine-status): Remove “Last seen” column.
    * src/schema.sql: Mark ‘last_seen’ as unused.
    * tests/database.scm (%dummy-worker): Remove ‘last-seen’ field.
    ("db-remove-unresponsive-workers"): Rename to…
    ("db-remove-workers"): … this.  Adjust accordingly.
    * tests/remote.scm ("no workers", "one worker"): New tests.
 src/cuirass/database.scm              | 49 +++++++++--------
 src/cuirass/remote.scm                | 15 ++----
 src/cuirass/scripts/remote-server.scm | 99 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 src/cuirass/templates.scm             |  7 +--
 src/schema.sql                        |  2 +-
 tests/database.scm                    |  9 ++--
 tests/remote.scm                      | 17 ++++++
 7 files changed, 127 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/cuirass/database.scm b/src/cuirass/database.scm
index 686ae1c..5d5aad7 100644
--- a/src/cuirass/database.scm
+++ b/src/cuirass/database.scm
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@
-            db-remove-unresponsive-workers
+            db-remove-workers
@@ -2170,10 +2170,10 @@ VALUES ("
                        (worker-name worker) ", "
                        (worker-address worker) ", "
                        (worker-machine worker) ", "
-                       (string-join (worker-systems worker) ",") ", "
-                       (worker-last-seen worker) ")
+                       (string-join (worker-systems worker) ",")
+                       ", 0)
-SET last_seen = " (worker-last-seen worker) ";"))
+SET last_seen = 0;"))
     #:threshold 2))
 (define (db-get-worker name)
@@ -2181,34 +2181,32 @@ SET last_seen = " (worker-last-seen worker) ";"))
   (with-db-connection db
     (match (expect-one-row
             (exec-query/bind db "
-SELECT name, address, machine, systems, last_seen from Workers
+SELECT name, address, machine, systems FROM Workers
 WHERE name = " name ";"))
-      ((name address machine systems last-seen)
+      ((name address machine systems)
         (name name)
         (address address)
         (machine machine)
-        (systems (string-split systems #\,))
-        (last-seen (string->number last-seen))))
-      (else #f))))
+        (systems (string-split systems #\,))))
+      (_ #f))))
 (define (db-get-workers)
   "Return the workers in Workers table."
   (with-db-connection db
     (let loop ((rows (exec-query db "
-SELECT name, address, machine, systems, last_seen from Workers"))
+SELECT name, address, machine, systems FROM Workers"))
                (workers '()))
       (match rows
         (() (reverse workers))
-        (((name address machine systems last-seen)
+        (((name address machine systems)
           . rest)
          (loop rest
                (cons (worker
                       (name name)
                       (address address)
                       (machine machine)
-                      (systems (string-split systems #\,))
-                      (last-seen (string->number last-seen)))
+                      (systems (string-split systems #\,)))
 (define (db-worker-current-builds)
@@ -2233,18 +2231,19 @@ Builds.starttime DESC, DESC;"))
   ;; switched back to "scheduled".
   (* 30 60))
-(define (db-remove-unresponsive-workers timeout)
-  "Remove the workers that are unresponsive since at least TIMEOUT seconds.
-Also restart the builds that are started on those workers."
+(define (db-remove-workers names)
+  "Remove workers with any of the given NAMES.
+Also restart the builds that were started on those workers."
+  (define name-array
+    (string-append "{"
+                   (string-join (map object->string names) ",")
+                   "}"))
   (with-db-connection db
     ;; Restart the builds that are marked as started on those workers.
-    (let ((restarted (exec-query/bind db "
-UPDATE Builds SET status = -2, worker = null FROM
-(SELECT id FROM Workers LEFT JOIN Builds
-ON builds.worker =
-WHERE status = -1 AND
-(extract(epoch from now())::int - last_seen) > " timeout
-") AS expired WHERE =")))
+    (let* ((restarted (exec-query/bind db "\
+UPDATE Builds SET status = -2, worker = null
+WHERE worker = ANY(" name-array ");")))
       (unless (zero? restarted)
         (log-info "restarted ~a builds that were on unresponsive workers"
@@ -2258,8 +2257,8 @@ WHERE status = " (build-status submitted) " AND
         (log-info "rescheduled ~a builds that were submitted more than ~as ago"
                   rescheduled %build-submission-timeout)))
-    (let ((removed (exec-query/bind db "DELETE FROM Workers WHERE
-(extract(epoch from now())::int - last_seen) > " timeout ";")))
+    (let ((removed (exec-query/bind db "DELETE FROM Workers
+WHERE name = ANY(" name-array ");")))
       (unless (zero? removed)
         (log-info "removed ~a unresponsive workers" removed)))))
diff --git a/src/cuirass/remote.scm b/src/cuirass/remote.scm
index 1f7b0ba..52efbd9 100644
--- a/src/cuirass/remote.scm
+++ b/src/cuirass/remote.scm
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@
-            worker-last-seen
@@ -114,23 +113,20 @@
   (machine        worker-machine)
   (publish-url    worker-publish-url
                   (default #f))
-  (systems        worker-systems)
-  (last-seen      worker-last-seen
-                  (default 0)))
+  (systems        worker-systems))
 (define (worker->sexp worker)
   "Return an sexp describing WORKER."
   (let ((name (worker-name worker))
         (address (worker-address worker))
         (machine (worker-machine worker))
-        (systems (worker-systems worker))
-        (last-seen (worker-last-seen worker)))
+        (systems (worker-systems worker)))
       (name ,name)
       (address ,address)
       (machine ,machine)
       (systems ,systems)
-      (last-seen ,last-seen))))
+      (last-seen 0))))                            ;unused
 (define (sexp->worker sexp)
   "Turn SEXP, an sexp as returned by 'worker->sexp', into a <worker> record."
@@ -139,13 +135,12 @@
               ('address address)
               ('machine machine)
               ('systems systems)
-              ('last-seen last-seen))
+              _ ...)
       (name name)
       (address address)
       (machine machine)
-      (systems systems)
-      (last-seen last-seen)))))
+      (systems systems)))))
 (define (generate-worker-name)
   "Return the service name of the server."
diff --git a/src/cuirass/scripts/remote-server.scm 
index 4bf3da9..341362c 100644
--- a/src/cuirass/scripts/remote-server.scm
+++ b/src/cuirass/scripts/remote-server.scm
@@ -377,6 +377,65 @@ requested received on its channel."
+;;; Keeping track of active workers.
+(define* (worker-directory channel
+                           #:optional (timeout (%worker-timeout)))
+  (lambda ()
+    ;; This directory accesses the 'Workers' database table only when strictly
+    ;; necessary (when adding or removing workers) to reduce the overhead when
+    ;; processing pings sent by workers.
+    (define (stale?)
+      (let ((now (current-time)))
+        (match-lambda
+          ((name . last-seen)
+           (> (- now last-seen) timeout)))))
+    (define (cleanup workers)
+      (let ((gone alive (partition (stale?) workers)))
+        (log-debug "~a workers are up and running" (length alive))
+        (match gone
+          (() #t)
+          (((names . _) ...)
+           (log-info "removing ~a unresponsive workers:~{ ~a~}"
+                     (length names) names)
+           (db-remove-workers names)))
+        alive))
+    (log-info "starting worker directory with ~as timeout"
+              timeout)
+    (let loop ((workers (map (lambda (worker)
+                               (cons (worker-name worker) 0))
+                             (db-get-workers))))
+      (match (get-message* channel (quotient timeout 2)
+                           'timeout)
+        ('timeout
+         (loop (cleanup workers)))
+        (`(ping ,worker ,properties)
+         (let ((name (worker-name worker)))
+           (log-debug "worker ~a is up and running (properties: ~s)"
+                      name properties)
+           (match (assoc name workers)
+             (#f
+              (db-add-or-update-worker worker)
+              (loop (alist-cons name (current-time)
+                                (cleanup workers))))
+             (name+time
+              (set-cdr! name+time (current-time))
+              (loop (cleanup workers))))))))))
+(define* (spawn-worker-directory #:optional (timeout (%worker-timeout)))
+  "Spawn an actor that acts as a directory of running workers.  The directory
+keeps track of all the running workers and the last time they were seen; it
+removes those that have not been seen since more than TIMEOUT seconds."
+  (let ((channel (make-channel)))
+    (spawn-fiber (worker-directory channel timeout))
+    channel))
 ;;; ZMQ connection.
@@ -389,24 +448,19 @@ requested received on its channel."
 all network interfaces."
   (string-append "tcp://*:" (number->string backend-port)))
-(define (serve-build-requests backend-port fetch-worker)
+(define (serve-build-requests backend-port fetch-worker worker-directory)
   "Open a zmq socket on BACKEND-PORT and listen for messages coming from
 'cuirass remote-worker' processes, and reply to 'worker-request-work'
 messages: this is a \"work stealing\" strategy.
 When a message denoting a successful build is received, pass it on to
-FETCH-WORKER to download the build's output(s)."
-  (define (update-worker! base-worker properties)
-    ;; Mark BASE-WORKER as alive in the database.  Do it in a separate fiber
-    ;; so the main 'receive-message' loop is reactive.
-    (spawn-fiber
-     (lambda ()
-       (let* ((worker* (worker
-                        (inherit (sexp->worker base-worker))
-                        (last-seen (current-time)))))
-         (log-debug (G_ "worker ~a is up and running (properties: ~s)")
-                    (worker-name worker*) properties)
-         (db-add-or-update-worker worker*)))))
+FETCH-WORKER to download the build's output(s).
+Use WORKER-DIRECTORY to maintain the list of active workers."
+  (define (update-worker worker properties)
+    ;; Update the directory to mark WORKER as alive.
+    (put-message worker-directory
+                 `(ping ,(sexp->worker worker) ,properties)))
   (let ((build-socket (zmq-create-socket %zmq-context ZMQ_ROUTER)))
@@ -420,14 +474,6 @@ FETCH-WORKER to download the build's output(s)."
     (zmq-bind-socket build-socket (zmq-backend-endpoint backend-port))
-    (spawn-fiber
-     (lambda ()
-       (let loop ()
-         (sleep (quotient (%worker-timeout) 2))
-         (log-debug (G_ "updating list of live workers"))
-         (db-remove-unresponsive-workers (%worker-timeout))
-         (loop))))
     ;; Do not use the built-in zmq-proxy as we want to edit the envelope of
     ;; frontend messages before forwarding them to the backend.
     (let loop ()
@@ -452,7 +498,7 @@ FETCH-WORKER to download the build's output(s)."
              (put-message fetch-worker command)
             (('worker-ready worker properties ...)
-             (update-worker! worker properties))
+             (update-worker worker properties))
              (catch 'zmq-error
                (lambda ()
@@ -507,7 +553,7 @@ FETCH-WORKER to download the build's output(s)."
                            (reply-worker (no-build-message)))
                          (const #f)))))))
             (('worker-ping worker properties ...)
-             (update-worker! worker properties))
+             (update-worker worker properties))
             (`(build-started (drv ,drv) (worker ,name))
              (let ((log-file (log-path (%cache-directory) drv))
                    (worker (db-get-worker name)))
@@ -711,10 +757,13 @@ exiting."
              (spawn-build-log-cleaner (assoc-ref opts 'build-log-expiry))
-             (let ((fetch-worker (spawn-fetch-worker)))
+             (let ((fetch-worker (spawn-fetch-worker))
+                   (worker-directory (spawn-worker-directory)))
                (catch 'zmq-error
                  (lambda ()
-                   (serve-build-requests backend-port fetch-worker))
+                   (serve-build-requests backend-port
+                                         fetch-worker
+                                         worker-directory))
                  (lambda (key errno message . _)
                    (log-error (G_ "ZeroMQ error in build server: ~a")
diff --git a/src/cuirass/templates.scm b/src/cuirass/templates.scm
index e2151f2..b1a0268 100644
--- a/src/cuirass/templates.scm
+++ b/src/cuirass/templates.scm
@@ -2167,8 +2167,7 @@ text-dark d-flex position-absolute w-100"))
                (th (@ (scope "col")) "Name")
                (th (@ (scope "col")) "Systems")
-               (th (@ (scope "col")) "Building")
-               (th (@ (scope "col")) "Last seen")))
+               (th (@ (scope "col")) "Building")))
                  (lambda (worker build)
@@ -2183,9 +2182,7 @@ text-dark d-flex position-absolute w-100"))
                                        (href "/build/"
                                              ,(build-id build)
-                                    ,(build-job-name build)))))
-                        (td ,(time->string
-                              (worker-last-seen worker)))))
+                                    ,(build-job-name build)))))))
                  workers builds)))))
     ,@(if (null? info)
           '((div (@ (class "alert alert-danger"))
diff --git a/src/schema.sql b/src/schema.sql
index 4b52daa..e98eea3 100644
--- a/src/schema.sql
+++ b/src/schema.sql
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ CREATE TABLE Workers (
   address     TEXT NOT NULL,
   machine     TEXT NOT NULL,
   systems     TEXT NOT NULL,
-  last_seen   INTEGER NOT NULL
+  last_seen   INTEGER NOT NULL  -- no longer used
 CREATE TABLE Dashboards (
diff --git a/tests/database.scm b/tests/database.scm
index 88faafe..2f20cf5 100644
--- a/tests/database.scm
+++ b/tests/database.scm
@@ -118,8 +118,7 @@
    (name "worker")
    (address "address")
    (machine "machine")
-   (systems '("a" "b"))
-   (last-seen 1)))
+   (systems '("a" "b"))))
 (define-syntax-rule (with-fibers exp ...)
   "Evaluate EXP... in a Fiber context with a database connection pool."
@@ -584,13 +583,13 @@ timestamp, checkouttime, evaltime) VALUES ('guix', 0, 0, 
0, 0);")
-  (test-assert "db-remove-unresponsive-workers"
+  (test-assert "db-remove-workers"
       (let ((drv "/foo.drv"))
         (db-update-build-worker! drv "worker")
         (db-update-build-status! drv (build-status started))
-        (db-remove-unresponsive-workers 50)
-        (and (eq? (db-get-workers) '())
+        (db-remove-workers '("worker"))
+        (and (null? (db-get-workers))
              (let* ((build (db-get-build drv))
                     (worker (build-worker build))
                     (status (build-current-status build)))
diff --git a/tests/remote.scm b/tests/remote.scm
index 104349b..a284310 100644
--- a/tests/remote.scm
+++ b/tests/remote.scm
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
              (cuirass specification)
+             ((cuirass remote) #:select (worker-systems))
              (gnu packages base)
              (guix build utils)
              (guix channels)
@@ -31,6 +32,7 @@
              (guix monads)
              (guix packages)
              ((guix store) #:hide (build))
+             ((guix utils) #:select (%current-system))
              (tests common)
              (avahi client)
@@ -196,11 +198,26 @@
                                            #vu8(4 5 6 7 8)))
       (zmq-close-socket socket)))
+  (test-equal "no workers"                        ;initially no workers
+    '()
+    (db-get-workers))
   (test-assert "remote-worker"
+  (test-equal "one worker"                      ;the new worker should show up
+    (list (list (%current-system)))
+    (let loop ((i 0))
+      (or (> i 9)
+          (match (db-get-workers)
+            (()                                   ;not ready yet?
+             (sleep 1)
+             (loop (+ i 1)))
+            (lst
+             (map worker-systems lst))))))
   (test-assert "build done"
      (lambda ()

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