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03/04: hydra: bishan: Remove file.

From: Christopher Baines
Subject: 03/04: hydra: bishan: Remove file.
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2024 07:20:43 -0400 (EDT)

cbaines pushed a commit to branch master
in repository maintenance.

commit 312e0a66d56a29340c160104731f75b3f34306a2
Author: Christopher Baines <>
AuthorDate: Mon Jun 10 12:15:59 2024 +0100

    hydra: bishan: Remove file.
    As this machine was turned off a while back.
    * hydra/bishan.scm: Remove file.
 hydra/bishan.scm | 211 -------------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 211 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hydra/bishan.scm b/hydra/bishan.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index a4c32b2f..00000000
--- a/hydra/bishan.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-(use-modules (gnu))
-(use-service-modules networking ssh monitoring web certbot guix)
-(use-package-modules screen ssh zile linux certs)
-(define %nginx-server-blocks
-  (let ((common-locations
-         (list
-          (nginx-location-configuration
-           (uri "= /nix-cache-info")
-           (body '("
-    return 200 'StoreDir: /gnu/store\nWantMassQuery: 0\nPriority: 100\n';
-    add_header Content-Type text/plain;")))
-          (nginx-location-configuration
-           (uri "~ \\.narinfo$")
-           (body '("
-    proxy_pass http://nar-herder;
-    # For HTTP pipelining.  This has a dramatic impact on performance.
-    client_body_buffer_size 128k;
-    # Narinfos requests are short, serve many of them on a connection.
-    keepalive_requests 20000;
-          (nginx-location-configuration
-           (uri "~ \\.narinfo/info$")
-           (body '("proxy_pass http://nar-herder;";)))
-          (nginx-location-configuration
-           (uri "/nar/")
-           (body '("proxy_pass http://nar-herder;";)))
-          (nginx-location-configuration
-           (uri "/file/")
-           (body '("proxy_pass http://nar-herder;";)))
-          (nginx-named-location-configuration
-           (name "nar-storage-location")
-           (body '("rewrite /internal/(.*) /$1 break;"
-                   "proxy_pass https://nar-storage;";
-                   "
-set  $via  \"1.1 bishan\";
-if ($http_via) {
-    set $via  \"$http_via, $via\";
-proxy_set_header  Via  $via;"
-                   "proxy_set_header Host;")))
-          (nginx-location-configuration
-           (uri "= /latest-database-dump")
-           (body '("proxy_pass http://nar-herder;";)))
-          (nginx-location-configuration
-           (uri "= /recent-changes")
-           (body '("proxy_pass http://nar-herder;";)))
-          (nginx-location-configuration
-           (uri "= /metrics")
-           (body '("proxy_pass http://nar-herder;";)))
-          (nginx-location-configuration
-           (uri "~ ^/internal/nar/(.*)$")
-           (body '("
-    internal;
-    root /var/lib/nars;
-    try_files /nar/$1 @nar-storage-location;
-    error_page 404 /404;
-    client_body_buffer_size 256k;
-    # Nars are already compressed.
-    gzip off;
-          (nginx-location-configuration
-           (uri "~ ^/internal/cached-nar/(.*)$")
-           (body '("
-    internal;
-    root /var/cache/nar-herder;
-    try_files /nar/$1 =404;
-    error_page 404 /404;
-    client_body_buffer_size 256k;
-    gzip off;
-          (nginx-location-configuration
-           (uri "~ ^/internal/database/(.*)$")
-           (body '("internal;"
-                   "alias /var/lib/nar-herder/$1;"))))))
-    (list
-     (nginx-server-configuration
-      (server-name '(""))
-      (listen '("80" "[::]:80"))
-      (root (local-file "nginx/html/bishan" #:recursive? #t))
-      (locations
-       (append
-        common-locations
-        (list
-         (nginx-location-configuration  ; For use by Certbot
-          (uri "/.well-known")
-          (body '(("root /var/www;"))))))))
-      (nginx-server-configuration
-       (server-name '(""))
-       (listen '("443 ssl" "[::]:443 ssl"))
-       (root (local-file "nginx/html/bishan" #:recursive? #t))
-       (ssl-certificate
-        "/etc/letsencrypt/live/")
-       (ssl-certificate-key
-        "/etc/letsencrypt/live/")
-       (raw-content
-        '("
- # Make sure SSL is disabled.
- ssl_protocols       TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
- # Disable weak cipher suites.
- ssl_ciphers         HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5;
- ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;"))
-       (locations common-locations)))))
- (host-name "bishan")
- (timezone "Europe/Berlin")
- (locale "en_US.utf8")
- (bootloader (bootloader-configuration
-              (bootloader grub-bootloader)
-              (targets '("/dev/sda"))))
- (file-systems (cons (file-system
-                      (device "/dev/sda2")
-                      (mount-point "/")
-                      (type "btrfs"))
-                     %base-file-systems))
- (users (cons (user-account
-               (name "cbaines")
-               (group "users")
-               (supplementary-groups '("wheel"
-                                       "audio" "video")))
-              %base-user-accounts))
- (packages (cons* screen zile btrfs-progs %base-packages))
- (services
-  (append
-   (list
-    (service static-networking-service-type
-             (list
-              (static-networking
-               (addresses
-                (list
-                 (network-address
-                  (device "enp1s0")
-                  (value ""))
-                 (network-address
-                  (device "enp1s0")
-                  (ipv6? #t)
-                  (value "2a01:4f8:161:123::/64"))))
-               (routes
-                (list
-                 (network-route
-                  (destination "default")
-                  (device "enp1s0")
-                  (gateway ""))
-                 (network-route
-                  (destination "default")
-                  (device "enp1s0")
-                  (ipv6? #t)
-                  (gateway "fe80::1"))))
-               (name-servers
-                '("2a01:4ff:ff00::add:1" "2a01:4ff:ff00::add:2")))))
-    (service ntp-service-type)
-    (service prometheus-node-exporter-service-type)
-    (service certbot-service-type
-             (certbot-configuration
-              (certificates
-               (list (certificate-configuration
-                      (domains '("")))))
-              (email "")
-              (webroot "/var/www")))
-    (service nar-herder-service-type
-             (nar-herder-configuration
-              (mirror "";)
-              (storage "/var/lib/nars")
-              (storage-limit 11615000000000) ; 10.8TiB
-              (ttl "180d")
-              (log-level 'INFO)))
-    (service nginx-service-type
-             (nginx-configuration
-              (global-directives
-               '((events . ((use . epoll)))
-                 (worker_processes . 8)))
-              (upstream-blocks
-               (list (nginx-upstream-configuration
-                      (name "nar-herder")
-                      (servers '("")))
-                     (nginx-upstream-configuration
-                      (name "nar-storage")
-                      (servers '("")))))
-              (server-blocks
-               %nginx-server-blocks)))
-    (service openssh-service-type
-             (openssh-configuration
-              (password-authentication? #f))))
-   (modify-services %base-services
-                    (guix-service-type
-                     config => (guix-configuration
-                                (extra-options
-                                 (list "--max-jobs" "2"))))))))

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