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branch wip-r deleted (was 2e433bf6ab)

From: guix-commits
Subject: branch wip-r deleted (was 2e433bf6ab)
Date: Fri, 27 May 2022 18:08:14 -0400 (EDT)

rekado pushed a change to branch wip-r
in repository guix.

     was 2e433bf6ab gnu: r-rbowtie: Fix build on architectures other than 

This change permanently discards the following revisions:

 discard 2e433bf6ab gnu: r-rbowtie: Fix build on architectures other than 
 discard a49a8bf06e gnu: r-rlrsim: Update to 3.1-8.
 discard c297fc44cc gnu: r-norm: Update to 1.0-10.0.
 discard 4d3eb1eaac gnu: r-puniform: Update to 0.2.5.
 discard 205eb01f2b gnu: r-cairo: Update to 1.5-15.
 discard 9db1808a49 gnu: r-tsne: Update to 0.1-3.1.
 discard 65d0758685 gnu: r-lme4: Update to 1.1-29.
 discard 1fe17b0c32 gnu: r-rcppeigen: Update to
 discard 9c3ad7858a gnu: r-robustbase: Update to 0.95-0.
 discard 4ab74c710e gnu: r-deoptimr: Update to 1.0-11.
 discard 3bebfa2d26 gnu: r-sfsmisc: Update to 1.1-13.
 discard 3ae57ca545 gnu: r-dt: Update to 0.22.
 discard 08124b1a91 gnu: r-segmented: Update to 1.4-1.
 discard 17e2115f75 gnu: r-rsqlite: Update to 2.2.12.
 discard 379fcadd88 gnu: r-blob: Update to 1.2.3.
 discard dd1295eadb gnu: r-rprojroot: Update to 2.0.3.
 discard 371ffd0c17 gnu: r-rcpparmadillo: Update to
 discard 90a352d95c gnu: r-git2r: Update to 0.30.1.
 discard 40ce48fcd4 gnu: r-batchjobs: Update to 1.9.
 discard 322f376947 gnu: r-testthat: Update to 3.1.3.
 discard 1de5d682d9 gnu: r-crayon: Update to 1.5.1.
 discard 13aff9d330 gnu: r-knitr: Update to 1.38.
 discard 088efc4502 gnu: r-formatr: Update to 1.12.
 discard 54f13d724c gnu: r-rcolorbrewer: Update to 1.1-3.
 discard 72f3221c91 gnu: r-plyr: Update to 1.8.7.
 discard 33615fae85 gnu: r-magrittr: Update to 2.0.3.
 discard 5f88d6d3d1 gnu: r-mgcv: Update to 1.8-40.
 discard f54624d776 gnu: r-nlme: Update to 3.1-157.
 discard c6eee26fd3 gnu: r-matrix: Update to 1.4-1.
 discard 0ffe905cd6 gnu: r-cluster: Update to 2.1.3.
 discard 4af84f373a gnu: r-mass: Update to 7.3-56.
 discard b273798b0f gnu: r-cccd: Update to 1.6.
 discard e5c2113dee gnu: r-paws-common: Update to 0.3.17.
 discard 811319bdfe gnu: r-exactextractr: Update to 0.8.1.
 discard 488b4f8429 gnu: r-tzdb: Update to 0.3.0.
 discard e6c8a4b5f4 gnu: r-gsa: Update to 1.03.2.
 discard c17e0e3219 gnu: r-antiword: Update to 1.3.1.
 discard d920ba0e9f gnu: r-vdiffr: Update to 1.0.4.
 discard fd2c90aebe gnu: r-mlr3tuning: Update to 0.13.0.
 discard d2ef0737db gnu: r-bbotk: Update to 0.5.2.
 discard 781c0fbd28 gnu: r-densestbayes: Update to 1.0-2.1.
 discard 092d5dc7fe gnu: r-mlecens: Update to 0.1-5.
 discard 8202e9484c gnu: r-tidymodels: Update to 0.2.0.
 discard 60d0d55500 gnu: r-parsnip: Update to 0.2.1.
 discard db72a862be gnu: r-workflowsets: Update to 0.2.1.
 discard ac172f2400 gnu: r-tune: Update to 0.2.0.
 discard b503b142c2 gnu: r-dials: Update to 0.1.1.
 discard eac4a3276a gnu: r-workflows: Update to 0.2.6.
 discard 6db89c9680 gnu: r-igraph: Update to 1.3.0.
 discard 3ee9088deb gnu: r-survmisc: Update to 0.5.6.
 discard 4576fe0963 gnu: r-km-ci: Update to 0.5-6.
 discard 583906fef8 gnu: r-spatstat: Update to 2.3-4.
 discard ef1fe4e163 gnu: r-spatstat-random: Update to 2.2-0.
 discard e365d697f2 gnu: r-spatstat-core: Update to 2.4-2.
 discard b4b2372c27 gnu: r-spatstat-geom: Update to 2.4-0.
 discard 31c00e7551 gnu: r-spatstat-data: Update to 2.1-4.
 discard fef4b55397 gnu: r-conquer: Update to 1.3.0.
 discard c47bc4ac5c gnu: r-projpred: Update to 2.1.1.
 discard bd7d8b75a6 gnu: r-kendall: Update to 2.2.1.
 discard d4128f40e2 gnu: r-rstanarm: Update to 2.21.3.
 discard a2c9489847 gnu: r-rstan: Update to 2.21.5.
 discard 1957d1cb3a gnu: r-loo: Update to 2.5.1.
 discard bb24eacfb5 gnu: r-rstantools: Update to 2.2.0.
 discard 1f8bbe9ad8 gnu: r-cdm: Update to 7.6-11.
 discard 41f5be58b5 gnu: r-bdgraph: Update to 2.65.
 discard f8dab29b7a gnu: r-sem: Update to 3.1-15.
 discard 1e0d88cb37 gnu: r-flexclust: Update to 1.4-1.
 discard b75740be79 gnu: r-actuar: Update to 3.2-2.
 discard 9fdda2a799 gnu: r-expint: Update to 0.1-7.
 discard 736dd35d62 gnu: r-genalg: Update to 0.2.1.
 discard 2768402630 gnu: r-tuner: Update to 1.4.0.
 discard f4f01b4da2 gnu: r-lhs: Update to 1.1.5.
 discard 8ba6fbaf6d gnu: r-accsda: Update to 1.1.1.
 discard 29be09e1af gnu: r-accept: Update to 0.9.0.
 discard f429b0e349 gnu: r-pmcmrplus: Update to 1.9.4.
 discard f9389ca62c gnu: r-desolve: Update to 1.31.
 discard 07d37d0ebf gnu: r-rgdal: Update to 1.5-30.
 discard a02f248426 gnu: r-tidygraph: Update to 1.2.1.
 discard ff88ed123c gnu: r-umap: Update to
 discard ff9db1608c gnu: r-mcmcpack: Update to 1.6-2.
 discard 9f75ecd12a gnu: r-float: Update to 0.3-0.
 discard 75030c42f7 gnu: r-ggnewscale: Update to 0.4.7.
 discard 811a2a68c3 gnu: r-aplot: Update to 0.1.3.
 discard b1853c224f gnu: r-ggfun: Update to 0.0.6.
 discard e62522b994 gnu: r-mpm: Update to 1.0-23.
 discard d0e2b9d710 gnu: r-msigdbr: Update to 7.5.1.
 discard 906681ad8c gnu: r-babelgene: Update to 22.3.
 discard bf8961550a gnu: r-kernlab: Update to 0.9-30.
 discard 775f5fa6a5 gnu: r-bookdown: Update to 0.25.
 discard 00260e2566 gnu: r-spdep: Update to 1.2-3.
 discard 65e0f1d358 gnu: r-beanplot: Update to 1.3.1.
 discard ecbe48e827 gnu: r-lavaan: Update to 0.6-11.
 discard f62ad73645 gnu: r-ggextra: Update to 0.10.0.
 discard 698e236919 gnu: r-outliers: Update to 0.15.
 discard b8d2b28bee gnu: r-parallelly: Update to 1.31.0.
 discard 5b9c6fa125 gnu: r-protviz: Update to 0.7.3.
 discard f282671313 gnu: r-gmp: Update to 0.6-5.
 discard 788de39bb4 gnu: r-kohonen: Update to 3.0.11.
 discard b990060e7f gnu: r-rncl: Update to 0.8.6.
 discard 68692a337a gnu: r-admisc: Update to 0.26.
 discard 7a045ed119 gnu: r-afex: Update to 1.1-0.
 discard 05e4f6b6b7 gnu: r-pander: Update to 0.6.5.
 discard 47791be964 gnu: r-rapportools: Update to 1.1.
 discard b14c0158ba gnu: r-gert: Update to 1.6.0.
 discard 832546655e gnu: r-ggeffects: Update to 1.1.2.
 discard 07b7c239a6 gnu: r-performance: Update to 0.9.0.
 discard 4254389d6a gnu: r-tmb: Update to 1.8.1.
 discard 56ba96069c gnu: r-emmeans: Update to 1.7.3.
 discard 700c28364e gnu: r-acceptancesampling: Update to 1.0-8.
 discard 56f037592d gnu: r-dofuture: Update to 0.12.1.
 discard 0d229f40b0 gnu: r-infotheo: Update to
 discard d17f8187b7 gnu: r-hash: Update to
 discard 3853da96c4 gnu: r-sjlabelled: Update to 1.2.0.
 discard 9ccca2e053 gnu: r-insight: Update to 0.17.0.
 discard 226ba35323 gnu: r-officer: Update to 0.4.2.
 discard d6cb274b83 gnu: r-rdpack: Update to 2.3.
 discard cfe3f3247f gnu: r-rbibutils: Update to 2.2.8.
 discard a48c67348f gnu: r-polynom: Update to 1.4-1.
 discard 556bcb3fa1 gnu: r-fansi: Update to 1.0.3.
 discard 84e03902d0 gnu: r-fstcore: Update to 0.9.12.
 discard 83d3f3c806 gnu: r-cubature: Update to
 discard 456bcea519 gnu: r-tseries: Update to 0.10-50.
 discard a29f44967a gnu: r-leaflet: Update to 2.1.1.
 discard 070fce4fbc gnu: r-tinytex: Update to 0.38.
 discard 066a7dfbe4 gnu: r-uuid: Update to 1.0-4.
 discard 3c2dd6fd6e gnu: r-vctrs: Update to 0.4.0.
 discard 4d0d88649d gnu: r-seriation: Update to 1.3.5.
 discard cf31858c86 gnu: r-processx: Update to 3.5.3.
 discard bf03c7f207 gnu: r-psych: Update to 2.2.3.
 discard 459a422665 gnu: r-ddalpha: Update to 1.3.13.
 discard 918dbf4095 gnu: r-lmtest: Update to 0.9-40.
 discard 07dcf1796c gnu: r-restrserve: Update to 1.0.0.
 discard ba6960e4c5 gnu: r-auc: Update to 0.3.2.
 discard 472a43463c gnu: r-rcppthread: Update to 2.1.3.
 discard 2f48d703f4 gnu: r-rcpp: Update to
 discard 6cd74a01b5 gnu: r-sass: Update to 0.4.1.
 discard 8f3a427aad gnu: r-hwriter: Update to
 discard 88f6cdae89 gnu: r-hmm: Update to 1.0.1.
 discard ae8114f352 gnu: r-readxl: Update to 1.4.0.
 discard acc95b1d4a gnu: r-mboost: Update to 2.9-6.
 discard ced366bc5e gnu: r-ggpmisc: Update to 0.4.6.
 discard a8395992b8 gnu: r-ggpp: Update to 0.4.4.
 discard 996437d8a2 gnu: r-waldo: Update to 0.4.0.
 discard 435316f09a gnu: r-datawizard: Update to 0.4.0.
 discard dde8c921ea gnu: r-abn: Update to 2.7-0.
 discard 048d990ecc gnu: r-nmf: Update to 0.24.0.

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