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Re: Writing on Guile optimization: what are anon #x... functions?

From: Artyom Bologov
Subject: Re: Writing on Guile optimization: what are anon #x... functions?
Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2024 02:26:27 +0400
User-agent: mu4e 1.10.8; emacs 29.1

Hi Skyler,

> "Previously statprof would show strings like "anon #x1234" for primitives
> written in C."

This made me grep through Guile sources. I found this function:

(define (addr->printable addr pdi)
  (or (and=> (and=> pdi program-debug-info-name) symbol->string)
      (and=> (primitive-code-name addr) symbol->string)
      (string-append "anon #x" (number->string addr 16))))

Seems like any function that's neither named in debug info nor a
built-in one is assigned the anon label. So these might be C functions

> It's in the section for changes new to 3.0.3 so if you're on 3.0.2 or 
> below then upgrading might help you get more useful analysis. If you're 
> already on/past 3.0.3 then I'm confused.

I'm on Guile 3.0.9, so now I'm confused too!


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