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Re: G-Golf- [subject changed] cairo based examples fail in homebrew

From: David Pirotte
Subject: Re: G-Golf- [subject changed] cairo based examples fail in homebrew
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2023 20:22:14 -0300

Hi Aleix,

        i decided to answer separately - and  change the subject line - 
        (a) the guile-cairo related issue, on homebrew, from the
        (b) snapshot related issue, on homebrew as well

        here is the 'subthread' for the guile-cairo related issue, on
        homebrew [1].

> > > Anyways, guile-cairo is fine going back to stable 3.0.9.  

> > Ok, so just to make sure, now both the gtk4/simple-paintable.scm and
> > gtk4/animated-paintable.scm examples work fine on 'your' platform as
> > well?

> Nope, they don't. Sorry, I should have been much more explicit and
> provide more info.

Ok - These are two examples ported from the upstream gtk4-demo, can you
run one or both of these examples? [screenshot attached of the upstream
gt4-demo ui (on debian trixie (current testing)).

If they don't work, please report upstream, if they do work, try to get
a backtrace as well, for the simple-animation.scm example only, let's
try to identify the problem for the simplest one ...


[1] fwiw all g-golf gtk-4 examples work fine upstream (debian trixie)
as well as on freebsd.

Attachment: Screenshot from 2023-12-22 14-31-10.png
Description: PNG image

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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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