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Re: Guile Hoot v0.2.0 released!

From: Thompson, David
Subject: Re: Guile Hoot v0.2.0 released!
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 10:49:06 -0500

Hi Daniel,

On Mon, Dec 11, 2023 at 12:53 AM Daniel Skinner <> wrote:
> I hit a snag trying to use in an AudioWorklet so was resolving that instead 
> of making something more interesting. I worked it out which required a change 
> to the reflect.js instatiate_streaming to allow referencing already-compiled 
> modules keyed by given path as that's the only practical way it seems to 
> provide to an AudioWorklet.
> Put here for reference (see everything prefixed realtime.*): 
> The realtime_worklet.js has a copy of reflect.js at top that includes the 
> changes mentioned and also a TODO of a potential issue within same function.

I don't think I quite understand what's going on. Are you passing over
WebAssembly.Instance objects as the event data to the AudioWorklet?
Could you just instantiate everything in the main "thread" and pass
over ready to use instances?

> Tested in firefox. The example uses AudioWorklet as a sink only; the raw 
> audio data is generated in the guile wasm module by writing into a constant 
> bytevector, then in AudioWorklet that data is copied-projected-copied out; 
> maybe there's a cleaner way to do that copy out.
> With things spiked out now, I can maybe do something a little more 
> interesting when I can find the time.

I also noticed you are doing things with WebGL. You beat me to it. ;)

At some point, I will be porting Chickadee to the web using WebGL and
Web Audio so your exploration here will help make that happen.

Thanks for sharing your progress!

- Dave

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