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[ANN] Guile-DSV 0.7.0 released

From: Artyom V. Poptsov
Subject: [ANN] Guile-DSV 0.7.0 released
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2023 12:34:23 +0300
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.2 (gnu/linux)

Hello Guilers,

I'm pleased to announce Guile-DSV 0.7.0:

This release replaces the old finite-state machine (FSM) implementation
with the new one that uses Guile State Machine Compiler (Guile-SMC) [1].
The new FSM code is generated at build-time from PlantUML description

See the full list of user-visible changes below.

As the result of re-writting FSMs of Guile-DSV with PlantUML/Guile-SMC,
Guile-DSV gained some speed improvements.  You can find an attached
LibreOffice Calc document with some benchmarking using around 5 million
lines of data (source: [2])

Attachment: guile-dsv-fsm-benchmark-2023-08-14.ods
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet

More detailed information about the data (lines/words/characters):
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
$ $ wc datasets/FeedGrains.csv
  498929  6010097 93054624 datasets/FeedGrains.csv
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

I took five "dsv" runs using RFC 4180 input format with "--summary"
option on Guile-DSV 0.6.0 and Guile-DSV 0.7.0 with the same options (and
disabled logging) and in some cases the new parser implementation is 15
times faster that the old one.

As a bonus Guile-DSV FSMs are now much nicer and easier to maintain.
The downside is that now Guile-DSV depends on Guile-SMC.

* What is Guile-DSV?

Guile-DSV is a library that allows to parse Delimiter-Separated Values
format (DSV).  It supports two flavors of DSV: Unix-style[3] and RFC4180[4].

Also Guile-DSV is shipped with a program named "dsv" that allows to read
and process DSV format (including delimiter change and conversion from
one standard to another, formatting tables etc.)  See README file for
usage examples.

* List of user visible changes

Here's an excerpt from the NEWS file:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
* Changes in version 0.7.0 (2023-08-15)
** Guile-DSV now uses Guile State Machine Compiler (Guile-SMC)
Guile-DSV now uses Guile State Machine Compiler (Guile-SMC) for the state
machine code generation from the PlantUML description:

** =dsv->scm= and =dsv-string->scm= now accept additional parameters
Now =dsv->scm= and =dsv-string->scm= procedures accept additional parameters:
- =#:debug-mode?= -- Enable/disable the debug mode.
- =#:log-driver= -- Set the logging driver.
- =#:log-opt= -- Set the logging options.
** =dsv= tool now accepts =--log-driver= and =--log-opt=
** Update Texinfo documentation
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Thanks and happy hacking!

- Artyom


Artyom "avp" Poptsov <>
Home page:
CADR Hackerspace co-founder:
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