On 16.04.2022 14:12, Zelphir Kaltstahl wrote:
Hello Guile users!
The subject might not be only Guile related, but I figure, that many on this
mailing list are using Emacs for writing Guile code. I wonder, if anyone has
some trick for fixing the following indentation issue:
Sometimes I want to put inline comments with #||# in things like lists,
arguments for function calls or vectors. For example I want to write the name
of the month next to the number of days of that month, in a vector creation.
Here is the example:
#(#|January|# 31
#|February|# 28
#|March|# 31 #|April|# 30 #|May|# 31 #|June|# 30
#|July|# 31 #|August|# 30
30 30))
As you can see, the indentation is adjusted each line according to the non-comment thing
on the previous line, when I press TAB or whatever other key binding one has for
indentation. However, in this case I would rather want it to adjust indentation. Is there
a quick fix for this? Or some way to make Emacs understand this as a separate case and
have it indent "correctly"? Does anyone have a solution?
To be honest, the easiest thing to do here is probably use a different comment
In this particular example I would probably just go full vertical:
#(31 ;january
28 ;february
31 ;march
30 ;april
31 ;may
;; ...
I know it doesn't fulfill your requirement, but usually I find it wise to use
"path of least resistance" when it comes to how an editor/IDE wants to format
and just go with the rules it has. Makes life easier for others who might not
whatever custom configuration you add to your editor to bend it to your will.
I've also tried out a "columns" variant with multiple numbers per row and a
above each row identifying the numbers, but Emacs seems to insist on
the first column in that case, regardless of comments, like this:
(define days
#(31 28 31
30 31 30
xx yy zz
;; ...
That's already ugly without comments, and IMO a significant issue.
Maybe it would be good to teach Emacs to indent lists/vectors that don't
a function/macro call. This indentation clearly assumes that the leading "31"
the vector is the operator, and the rest of the vector operands.
It should probably not assume that for vectors #(...) and quoted lists '(...).