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Re: Summer of Code Recap
From: |
Christopher Lemmer Webber |
Subject: |
Re: Summer of Code Recap |
Date: |
Tue, 11 May 2021 11:08:11 -0400 |
User-agent: |
mu4e 1.4.15; emacs 27.2 |
I've now verified that the place where things fall apart is fairly
simple. The following file does not compile:
(define (add x y)
(+ x y))
(add 1 2)
So yeah, it's just functions in general.
It looks like the stage where things are breaking is between the
cps -> js-il representations.
I figured since probably the changes need to happen in
module/language/cps/compile-js.scm, I should look at
the commit log in compile-bytecode.scm in that same directory.
It looks like a lot has changed since 2017!
I suspect I need help at this stage! :)
Christopher Lemmer Webber writes:
> Hi!
> Ian did some great work here in the past... let's not let it go to
> waste. Let's try to merge it!
> I've made a branch in my gitlab repo here:
> https://gitlab.com/dustyweb/guile.git
> the branch is "compile-to-js-merge"
> I've dealt with the merge conflicts and etc I've been able to identify,
> but things have already started to bitrot... I'd like to prevent them
> from bitrotting further. I fixed some things, updating the code to
> where it appears things have shuffled around to as best as I could.
> Currently I can get a file as simple as "just-plus.scm" to compile:
> (+ 1 2)
> This outputs to:
> function (unit_cont){var k_0 = function (v_0,k_4){var k_1 = function
> (v_0){var v_1 = 3;return k_4(v_1);};if ((arguments["length"])==(2)) {{return
> k_1(v_0);}} else {{return undefined;}}};return k_0(undefined,unit_cont);};
> Progress!
> However, the amb.scm file no longer works as described below. I get the
> following:
> In language/cps/intset.scm:
> 472:6 3 (visit-branch #(4294967295 1073741823 #f #f #f #f #f #f (#f))
> _ 0 # #)
> 472:6 2 (visit-branch 4294967295 _ 0 _ _)
> In language/cps/split-rec.scm:
> 78:22 1 (_ _ _ _)
> In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
> 1685:16 0 (raise-exception _ #:continuable? _)
> ice-9/boot-9.scm:1685:16: In procedure raise-exception:
> Throw to key `match-error' with args `("match" "no matching pattern" #<cps
> (const-fun 62)>)'.
> I guess that's something that probably changed. I'm going to look into
> it...
> Anyway, is there support from the maintainers from getting this merged
> if I can get things working again? I'd really like to see this effort
> not go to waste... I'd even like to write a few demos using it.
> Ian Price writes:
>> 1 Introduction
>> ==============
>> As many of you are aware, I have been working on compiling Guile
>> Scheme to JavaScript this summer, as part of the Google Summer of
>> Code. This post serves to bookend my work for the year.
>> Before I go any further, I have to give my thanks to my mentor [Chris
>> Webber], without whom this project would have fizzled out weeks ago;
>> Google and the Gnu Project, naturally, for providing the Summer of
>> Code and allowing me to work on this project; and our fearless leader,
>> [Andy Wingo], for answering a wide variety of stupid questions.
>> [Chris Webber] https://dustycloud.org/
>> [Andy Wingo] https://wingolog.org/
>> 2 Project Aims
>> ==============
>> For a full introduction to the project, you can of course refer back
>> to my [project proposal], but very briefly my hopes for this summer
>> were:
>> 1. To rewrite the previous version of my compiler from the [previous
>> CPS representation] to use the new representation ["CPS Soup"]
>> representation.
>> 2. To completely port ice-9/boot-9.scm (our basic "prelude") to
>> JavaScript, and in particular, to support the [Guile Module
>> system].
>> 3. To handle Proper Tail Calls by use of the [Cheney on the MTA]
>> strategy.
>> 4. To include a new `guild' script for bundling compiled JS files with
>> their dependencies.
>> [project proposal] https://shift-reset.com/static/docs/gsoc-2017.pdf
>> [previous CPS representation]
>> https://wingolog.org/archives/2014/01/12/a-continuation-passing-style-intermediate-language-for-guile
>> ["CPS Soup"] https://wingolog.org/archives/2015/07/27/cps-soup
>> [Guile Module system]
>> https://www.gnu.org/software/guile/manual/html_node/Modules.html#Modules
>> [Cheney on the MTA] http://www.pipeline.com/~hbaker1/CheneyMTA.html
>> 3 What was Achieved
>> ===================
>> You can find all of my work on the [compile-to-js-2017] branch of my
>> Gitlab. A full list of the commits can be found [here], but I will
>> summarise the changes now:
>> [compile-to-js-2017]
>> https://gitlab.com/ijp/guile/tree/compile-to-js-2017
>> [here] https://gitlab.com/ijp/guile/compare/1b36a76e...gsoc-2017-end
>> 3.1 Compile Guile CPS Soup to JavaScript
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> When I was working on my initial attempt at compiling Guile to
>> JavaScript, two years ago, Guile used a different CPS representation
>> as its intermediate language. The initial experiments with the CPS
>> Soup representation occurred while that work was ongoing, but as it
>> was not considered "stable", the plan was not to move to this
>> representation until after I had completed my other objectives.
>> Now, however, CPS Soup is the IL of Guile, and so the first task that
>> was accomplished was to move to this representation. Since I had
>> already created my own JS-IL as a target, I did not need to make any
>> changes to the code generation side from JS-IL to JavaScript proper.
>> The main change was to reconstruct the nested scope structure that was
>> implicit in the dominator structure that Guile made available.
>> The full code for the compiler is split into several sections,
>> corresponding to different stages in the compiler pipeline.
>> 3.1.1 CPS to JS-IL Compiler
>> ---------------------------
>> - module/language/cps/compile-js.scm
>> - module/language/cps/spec.scm
>> These modules constitute the compiler from CPS to my JS-IL
>> intermediate language.
>> 3.1.2 JS-IL to JavaScript Compiler
>> ----------------------------------
>> - module/language/js-il.scm
>> - module/language/js-il/compile-javascript.scm
>> - module/language/js-il/inlining.scm
>> - module/language/js-il/spec.scm
>> These modules constitute a somewhat ad-hoc intermediate representation
>> as a target for the CPS compiler. It differs from JavaScript, e.g., by
>> continuing to separate continuations and functions, and a slightly
>> specialised function representation to handle Guile's complicated
>> notion of procedure arity.
>> 3.1.3 JavaScript Representation
>> -------------------------------
>> - module/language/javascript.scm
>> - module/language/javascript/simplify.scm
>> - module/language/javascript/spec.scm
>> This is primarily the representation of JavaScript as Scheme Records.
>> This is separate from the representation of JavaScript Guile already
>> has in the form of `(language ecmascript)' primarily to avoid a
>> circularity when Guile determines which compilers to run in the
>> pipeline, as recommended by Andy Wingo.
>> 3.2 A pre-amble capable of running through boot-9
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> In order to run Guile, it is not enough to be able to compile Scheme
>> (or indeed any other language supported by Guile) forms to JavaScript,
>> we also need to incorporate as much of Guile's runtime as possible.
>> This involves implementing VM primitives (such as you might see in
>> vm-engine.c); basic Guile types like Symbols, Pairs, and Structs; as
>> well as many of the functions that Guile implements in C rather than
>> Scheme.
>> Although I certainly did not implement all of the functionality Guile
>> achieves, I was able to implement sufficiently many (including what
>> amounts to a port of much of module.c) that one can successfully run
>> though ice-9/boot-9.scm from start to finish.
>> This took up the bulk of the time I spent on this project, due to the
>> size of the compiled output of boot-9.scm, and my own difficulties
>> debugging the bootstrap process. More on this below.
>> The code can be found at
>> - module/language/js-il/runtime.js
>> 3.3 A linking script for JavaScript
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> Since we are using the `(language ...)' infrastructure, we can take
>> advantage of the existing `guild compile' script for compiling to
>> JavaScript, we simply need to use the `--to' switch. However, this
>> does not produce a file which you can just load up without any
>> additional work, especially if you are working with multiple modules.
>> In order to make it easier to deal with this, I have included a `guild
>> jslink' script, which can be used to package up a "main" script along
>> with the `runtime.js' and its dependencies. See below for an example.
>> The code can be found at
>> - module/scripts/jslink.scm
>> 4 What was not Achieved
>> =======================
>> 4.1 Cheney on the MTA
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> One of my regrets is that I did not implement Baker's "Cheney on the
>> MTA" (as seen in [Chicken Scheme]) for handling Proper Tail Calls in
>> JavaScript. Historically, JavaScript has not guaranteed that tail
>> position function calls do not grow the stack, and this is obviously
>> of fundamental importance for languages like Scheme. Fortunately, ES6
>> has added support for [proper tail calls] and we can expect to see
>> increased support for it in future JavaScript versions. (Indeed,
>> during testing on node v.6.10.3, I did not have to increase the stack
>> size until very late).
>> [Chicken Scheme] https://www.call-cc.org/
>> [proper tail calls]
>> https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-tail-position-calls
>> 5 How to use it
>> ===============
>> I've talked a lot about what I've did and didn't do, but what about
>> actually using this thing?
>> 5.1 Obtaining the Code
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> The code is not currently available from the main Guile repository,
>> but only the `compile-to-js-2017' branch on my [GitLab].
>> If you already have a checkout of guile, you can add my repo as a
>> remote with
>> ,----
>> | $ git remote add ijp https://gitlab.com/ijp/guile.git
>> `----
>> and fetch the branch with
>> ,----
>> | $ git fetch ijp
>> `----
>> You can then check out the `compile-to-js-2017' branch and build as
>> normal.
>> [GitLab] https://gitlab.com/ijp/guile/tree/compile-to-js-2017
>> 5.2 A Non-Trivial Example
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> As an example of how to use the JS Backend that is short, but
>> non-trivial, I am using John McCarthy's `amb' operator (see [A Basis
>> for a Mathematical Theory of Computation]) to search for Pythagorean
>> Triples.
>> First we have a module for the `amb' operator in amb.scm
>> ,----
>> | (define-module (amb)
>> | #:export (amb fail))
>> |
>> | (define original-fail
>> | (lambda _
>> | (error 'amb "No more paths to search")))
>> |
>> | (define *amb-fail* original-fail)
>> |
>> | (define (fail)
>> | (*amb-fail* #f))
>> |
>> | (define (amb-thunks . values)
>> | (let ((failure *amb-fail*))
>> | (call/cc (lambda (escape)
>> | (for-each (lambda (value)
>> | (call/cc (lambda (continue)
>> | (set! *amb-fail* continue)
>> | (escape (value)))))
>> | values)
>> | (failure #f)))))
>> |
>> | (define-syntax amb
>> | (syntax-rules ()
>> | ((amb exprs ...)
>> | (amb-thunks (lambda () exprs) ...))))
>> `----
>> Next we have the code performs the search in triple.scm
>> ,----
>> | (use-modules (amb))
>> |
>> | (let ((a (amb 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))
>> | (b (amb 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))
>> | (c (amb 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)))
>> | (if (= (* c c) (+ (* a a) (* b b)))
>> | (list a b c)
>> | (fail)))
>> `----
>> We compile the files in the usual manner, only now we specify the
>> `javascript' language (We make sure to add the current directory to
>> the load-path for triple.scm).
>> ,----
>> | $ guild compile amb.scm --to=javascript --output=amb.js
>> | $ guild compile -L . triple.scm --to=javascript --output=triple.js
>> `----
>> Next we link the two together into a file main.js, making sure to
>> specify amb.js as a dependency of triple.js. (This step will take a
>> little while, since it also compiles a bunch of dependencies)
>> ,----
>> | $ guild jslink triple.js -o main.js --depends="(\"amb\" . \"amb.scm\")"
>> `----
>> Finally, you can run it with `node', although as mentioned above you
>> may have to increase the stack size.
>> ,----
>> | $ node --stack-size=2000 main.js
>> `----
>> Which should, fingers crossed, print out the triple 6,8,10.
>> [A Basis for a Mathematical Theory of Computation]
>> http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/basis1.pdf
>> 6 What is next?
>> ===============
>> Having recapped what was and what was not achieved, the next question
>> is: where does the project go from here? I have been asked about my
>> plans for all sorts of features, e.g. support for [Web Assembly], but
>> I think the following things are the most important to think about.
>> [Web Assembly] http://webassembly.org/
>> 6.1 Inclusion into Guile
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> The entire point of the project is to have something that can be
>> included in Guile proper. I have not spoken with Guile's maintainers
>> about incorporation into the main distribution, but I expect there
>> would be not be too many problems with moving the "official branch" to
>> the main repository.
>> 6.2 All Guile built-ins in runtime.js
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> Although I have included enough to get though boot-9.scm, this does
>> not include all of the built-ins we would want in our programs. Two
>> things I use very often which do not appear in runtime.js are ports
>> and bytevectors.
>> We would like most, if not all, Guile built-ins to be available for
>> those who need them, so these will need to be implemented. However,
>> this is a lot of extra code for some people who don't need it, which
>> brings us to a different issue...
>> 6.3 Linking Guile Modules & Features
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> In [a blog post], Andy Wingo lays out many tasks that he would like to
>> see in a future Guile. One of the most important of these, for us, are
>> under the headings "linking multiple modules together" and "linking a
>> single executable". To grossly simplify, we want to be able to link
>> various files into one single executable, which contains all and only
>> the code we need for our application.
>> As it stands, I included a simple script `guild jslink' that bundles
>> various compiled JavaScript files into one file, but we would like it
>> to be much more featureful: removing modules, functions, even types we
>> don't need; and inferring which modules are required by our
>> application and bundling them without requiring the information
>> `jslink' does. This would allow us to minimise the amount of code that
>> needs to be sent over the network, which is very important to web
>> developers.
>> This is a large task, and one I don't know enough about at the moment
>> to attempt, but it is work that would benefit not just our JavaScript
>> compiler, but people who want to deploy regular Guile applications.
>> [a blog post]
>> https://wingolog.org/archives/2016/02/04/guile-compiler-tasks
>> 6.4 JavaScript Version
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> I am not an expert in JavaScript, in fact, before this summer I
>> probably hadn't written it for two years, which means the code
>> certainly does not match up with the current best practices and
>> specifications. Further, all of my testing for this compiler was done
>> on [Node.js] v.6.10.3 only (this was the version available in the
>> Fedora 25 repositories).
>> The code should be vetted to determine precisely which modern JS
>> features are used (I believe proper tail calls, and ES6 Maps are the
>> main ones), and it should be tested on all major browsers. If
>> necessary, we should incorporate switches in the compiler to allow JS
>> users to compile for particular implementations, taking advantage of
>> particular modern JS features, or providing our own implementations of
>> those that are not supported (e.g. Cheney on the MTA).
>> [Node.js] https://nodejs.org/en/
>> 6.5 JS Integration
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> One of the strengths of Guile is that it allows people to integrate
>> their Scheme and C code, and although it has not been a focus for this
>> summer, we should aim to provide similar levels of integration between
>> Scheme and JS. There are two cases to consider.
>> 6.5.1 JS calling Scheme
>> -----------------------
>> As it stands, you can perform some limited interaction from JavaScript
>> in a similar manner to how you would interact with Guile from C. For
>> instance, by using `scm_current_module', `scm_public_lookup', and the
>> `scheme.Symbol' constructor, one could look up a scheme function, e.g.
>> `iota', and then invoke it by `scheme.call'.
>> That said, C idioms are not JS idioms, and so we should work to
>> provide a much nicer API through the `scheme' object.
>> 6.5.2 Scheme calling JS
>> -----------------------
>> In the case of Scheme calling JavaScript, I think we should follow the
>> example of `(system foreign)', which provides an API for linking to
>> dynamic C libraries, and creating Scheme versions of C functions, and
>> automatically marshalling/unmarshalling C types to Scheme types. One
>> additional complication we would have with JS would be the presence of
>> exceptions, but I think these could also be marshalled into Scheme
>> ones without much trouble.
>> 7 Lessons Learned
>> =================
>> It goes without saying that a project like this teaches you a lot
>> about the technical design of Guile, how to navigate the codebase,
>> etc, but I want to highlight a few "softer" lessons from this summer.
>> 7.1 Compilers are "Easy", Runtimes are Hard
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> When I first set out to write this project two summers ago, I
>> naturally assumed that the majority of the effort would go into the
>> compiler, and much less into the built-ins. In reality, the effort was
>> reversed. Partly this was due to my experience in writing Scheme, and
>> Functional Programming more generally, meant that the tree-traversing
>> code typical of a compiler pass was relatively straightforward, and
>> the compiler was not doing a lot of optimisation, mostly code
>> generation.
>> 7.2 Bootstrapping is Hard
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> The last point leads into this one, bootstrapping is pretty tricky.
>> With boot-9, you have several versions of the module system at
>> different times. My own attempt to write module code that handled this
>> ended up being abandoned for a rewrite that more closely followed the
>> Guile C code. The size of the compiled boot-9 code, and the, at times,
>> non-local consequences of implementing certain built-ins made it
>> tricky to debug.
>> 7.3 Don't Panic
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> This is a much more personal one, and one that I think is very
>> important for anyone who wants to take part in a program like the
>> Summer of Code, where you are spending a lot of time mostly on your
>> own. In a complex software project, things are not always going to go
>> smoothly. You might spend weeks banging up against a difficult
>> problem. Don't Panic! If it was easy it would have already been done.
>> Keep in Contact with your Mentor! It is tempting to only check in when
>> you think you have something of progress to report, but they are there
>> to help you, and explaining your issues to someone else is often very
>> useful when trying to overcome them, even if they don't have an answer
>> for you.
>> 8 Wrapping Up
>> =============
>> If you are still with me, good on you. As the new semester is starting
>> I will be devoting much less time to this, and that will likely be
>> true till December, but I will make an effort to keep up with
>> guile-user and be on the IRC Channel to help the daring souls who want
>> to give this a go. My priorities will be documenting the ILs, filling
>> in missing builtins, and improving jslink. I especially want to see
>> basic IO and MiniKanren up and running, and for it to be convenient to
>> use Guile's builtin libraries.
>> Happy Hacking, Ian Price
>> (This is a crosspost to guile-user of my blogpost [Summer of Code
>> Recap], but please comment on this list, rather than there)
>> [Summer of Code Recap]
>> https://shift-reset.com/blog/2017/8/28/Summer%20of%20Code%20Recap/