This is great news Pierre ! Geiser is a central point.
I will release my emacs-guile.el as soon as I give it a proper repo.
Here is my motivation (the vision) : "remove friction when coding with Guile in
Emacs by providing a ready to use Guile IDE which you can then customize to your
As a beginner in Guile (and Scheme) I would have benefit such dotfile to focus
my time on learning Guile rather than learning Emacs.
So here are the features I would like to provide (don't see here any priorized
- No errors and no warning out of the box when Emacs start and when using
following features :
- Install from Guix and MELPA?
- [Magit] git versionning
- [Geiser] REPL, go to documentation
- [?] go to definition in Guile source code (even Guile's modules, srfi, ...)
- [Paredit] code manipulation facilities
- [?guile-fmt?] code formatting according style guidelines (does Guilers have
- [emacs-refactor.el] refactoring facilities like extract functions, variables,
- [YASnippet] provide template (GPL insertion, test harness skeleton, ...)
- [?] Debugging facilities (stepper, breakpoints, inspection, ...)
If you mind, I would be glad if any of you could share the specific emacs
modules and configuration you find useful in a guile dev purpose (ie : link to
your dotfile, why you use these conf, etc...)
Then I can integrate all of it in a single emacs-guile.el file to speed up the
process. And i would suggest to put this file anywhere easily accessible to the
community as soon as it is consistent enough.
Freely yours,
Le 7 février 2020 14:50:07 GMT+01:00, Pierre Neidhardt <address@hidden> a écrit
Great news: Jao just fixed issue 252 mentioned above and seized the
opportunity to release Geiser 0.11.
Looks like I was a bit fast in my call for a guile-mode ;)
So what about helping upstream with the implementation of the
aforementioned features, namely:
- How do we insert breakpoints?
- How do we inspect compound objects? (e.g. SLIME / CIDER style)
- How do we use the stepper (for debugging)?
I thought of another one which is a must in SLIME/SLY: the interactive
backtrace. We can toggle the display of local variables, go to
definition, etc.
Pierre Neidhardt