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Re: reading from input pipe is slow?

From: Thomas Danckaert
Subject: Re: reading from input pipe is slow?
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2018 13:32:04 +0200 (CEST)

Hi Mark,

indeed, setting buffering with (setvbuf ...) solved the issue. Thanks a lot!
For some reason that I don't know, possibly historical, the pipes
created by procedures in (ice-9 popen) are unbuffered by default.
I think you're right, but doesn't the manual suggest otherwise, when 
it says "Each direction has PIPE_BUF bytes of buffering" 
(  Or 
do I misinterpret that?
Also, let me mention that the statistical profiler from the 
(statprof) module has been very useful to isolate the problem. 
Initially I assumed the slowness was due to the external process.  
Only after running statprof did I realize that the problem was in my 

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