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stis-parser v0.1
From: |
Stefan Israelsson Tampe |
Subject: |
stis-parser v0.1 |
Date: |
Thu, 13 Jul 2017 20:30:20 +0200 |
I'm pleased to announce version 0.1 of stis parser, a parser framework. It
contains a small logic programming framework, logical variables, parser
combinators and memoization capabilities.
Is functional in it's core. With the repository follows a C expression
parser and a full parser for
python 3. It can backtrack, Also a small program for tutorial learning,
calc.scm is included as well.
Also included is a expression parser that is really compact. Se example at
the bottom of this email.
Happy Parsing!!
Example (calc.scm)
(define-module (parser stis-parser examples calc)
#:use-module (ice-9 match)
#:use-module (parser stis-parser)
#:use-module (parser stis-parser operator-parser)
#:export (p e c p2))
(define ws (f* (f-or! f-nl (f-char #\space) (f-char #\tab))))
;;;; let's define whitespace as a sequence fo nl/space/tab
(fluid-set! *whitespace* ws)
;(f-or! a b ...) try first a if that fails b ... ! means only one
;;;;Define the tokenizer
(define int (f+ (f-reg! "[0-9]")))
; ! means store character
; f+ mean 1 or more matches
; f-reg mean that the character
; should match the regular
; for one character
; does not work for multiple
(define decimal (f+ (f-or! (f-seq int (f-tag! ".") int)
(f-seq int (f-tag "."))
(f-seq (f-tag! ".") int)
;! mean store match
;f-seq a ... means match a, then b
;f-tag means literal match of all
;characters in string
(define exp (f-seq decimal (f-reg! "[eE]") (f? (f-reg! "[+-]")) decimal))
(define num (f-or! exp decimal))
;; lets make a token
(define number-
(p-freeze 'number (mk-token num)
(lambda (s cin cout)
(string->number cout))))
;(mk-token f) will combine the
result of
;f in one string
;(p-freeze tag f translate)
;well memoize the result of f
tagging it
;with the uique tag tag and
;the result with (lambda (s in out)
;most cases will use out
;;Tag the token e.g. produce a value '(#:number 2322.2e-122.2) we also have
;; f-cons f-cons* that works naturally there is whitespace between the sub
;; expressions
(define number (f-list #:number number-))
;;symbol ; nothing new just a c-symbol
(define sym (f-seq (f-reg! "[_a-zA-Z]") (f* (f-reg! "[_a-zA-Z0-9]"))))
(define symbol-
(p-freeze 'symbol (mk-token sym)
(lambda (s cin cout)
(string->symbol cout))))
(define symbol (f-list #:symbol symbol-))
(define comma (f-cons* (D add/sub-expr) (ff* (f-seq "," (D add/sub-expr)))))
(define fkn (f-cons* #:fkn symbol (f-seq "(" comma ")")))
;f-cons a ... b will cons* the ouput
;of a .... b
;ff+ and ff* creates lists of the
;; paranthesizes expressions, note use (D f) when f is not defined yet
(define sexpr (f-seq (f-tag "(") (D add/sub-expr) f-tag ")"))
(define term (f-or! sexpr fkn symbol number))
(define term-1 (f-or! (f-list #:+ "+" (D term-1))
(f-list #:- "-" (D term-1))
;note that strings will sielently
;it's value
(define eql-expr (f-list #:= symbol "=" (D add/sub-expr)))
(define pow-expr (f-or! (f-cons* #:^ term-1 (ff+ (f-seq "^" term-1)))
(define mul-expr (f-list #:* pow-expr "*" (D mul/div-expr)))
(define div-expr (f-list #:/ pow-expr "/" (D mul/div-expr)))
(define mul/div-expr (f-or! (f-or! mul-expr div-expr)
(define add-expr (f-list #:+ mul/div-expr "+" (D add/sub-expr)))
(define sub-expr (f-list #:- mul/div-expr "-" (D add/sub-expr)))
(define add/sub-expr (f-or! add-expr
(define expr (f-or! eql-expr add/sub-expr))
;;;;Now lets define the parser
(define (p string) ((@ (parser stis-parser) parse)
string (f-seq expr f-eof)))
;we must end with f-eof e.g.
;end of string in order to not parse
;a prefix
;;;; Voila
;; cheme@(guile-user)> (use-modules (parser stis-parser examples calc))
;;scheme@(guile-user)> (calc-parse "1234 + 4^-3*12-3/2 - a")
;;(#:= (#:symbol b)
;; (#:+ (#:number 1234)
;; (#:- (#:* (#:^ (#:number 4)
;; (#:- (#:number 3)))
;; (#:number 12))
;; (#:- (#:/ (#:number 3) (#:number 2))
;; (#:symbol a)))))
(define (e str)
(let ((mod (current-module)))
(let lp ((r (p str)))
(match r
((#:= (#:symbol s) expr)
(let ((e (lp expr)))
(if (module-defined? mod s)
(module-set! mod s (lp expr))
(module-define! mod s (lp expr)))
((#:+ a)
(lp a))
((#:symbol s)
(module-ref mod s))
((#:number n)
((#:fkn (#:symbol s) . a)
(eval (cons s (map lp a)) mod))
((#:- a)
(- (lp a)))
((#:+ a b)
(+ (lp a) (lp b)))
((#:- a b)
(- (lp a) (lp b)))
((#:* a b)
(* (lp a) (lp b)))
((#:/ a b)
(/ (lp a) (lp b)))
((#:^ a b)
(expt (lp a) (lp b)))
((#:^ a . b)
(expt (lp a) (lp (cons #:^ b))))))))
(define (c str)
(let lp ((r (p str)))
(match r
((#:= (#:symbol s) expr)
(let ((x (gensym "x")))
`(let ((,x ,(lp expr)))
(define! ',s ,x)
((#:+ a)
(lp a))
((#:symbol s)
((#:number n)
((#:fkn (#:symbol s) . a)
(cons* s (map lp a)))
((#:- a)
`(- ,(lp a)))
((#:+ a b)
`(+ ,(lp a) ,(lp b)))
((#:- a b)
`(- ,(lp a) ,(lp b)))
((#:* a b)
`(* ,(lp a) ,(lp b)))
((#:/ a b)
`(/ ,(lp a) ,(lp b)))
((#:^ a b)
`(expt ,(lp a) ,(lp b)))
((#:^ a . b)
`(expt ,(lp a) ,(lp (cons #:^ b)))))))
;;with the compiler c to scheme you can now do
scheme@(guile-user)> ,L calc
Happy hacking with Calc! To switch back, type `,L scheme'.
calc@(guile-user)> x=1
$1 = 1
calc@(guile-user)> x+2
$2 = 3
calc@(guile-user)> pi=3.13
$3 = 3.13
calc@(guile-user)> pi
$4 = 3.13
calc@(guile-user)> sin(pi)
$5 = 0.011592393936158275
calc@(guile-user)> sin(pi/2)
$6 = 0.9999832013448761
calc@(guile-user)> sin(pi/3)
$7 = 0.8640868338458068
calc@(guile-user)> sin(pi/3)^10
$8 = 0.2320458886621503
calc@(guile-user)> y=sin(pi/3)^10
$9 = 0.2320458886621503
calc@(guile-user)> y
$10 = 0.2320458886621503
;;;; Let's checkout the expression dynamic parser here you define a set
;;;; of operators and some rules and get a parser emmediately out of it
;;;; you can even dynamically create operators :-)
(define *ops* (make-opdata))
(lambda (x)
(match x
((a b c) (add-operator *ops* a c b ws))))
`((xfy 50 ",")
(xfy 30 +) ; binary operators l-r
(xfy 30 -)
(xfy 20 *)
(xfy 20 /)
(yfx 10 ^) ; right to left expression
(xfx 40 =) ; only a binary expression
(fy 5 +) ; unary postfix operators
(fy 5 -)))
xfy = left to right
yfx = right to left
xfx = binary expression with just two terms
xf = prefix operator
fy = postfix operator
the numbers are the binding strength lower binds harder
(define fkn2 (f-cons* #:fkn symbol (f-seq "(" (D expr2) ")")))
(define sexpr2 (f-seq (f-tag "(") (D expr2) (f-tag ")")))
(define term2 (f-or! sexpr2 fkn2 symbol number))
(define expr2 ((mk-operator-expression ws term2 f-false *ops*) 50))
; 50 is highest level
; ws = whitespace
; term2 = the term
; f-false expert option leave as
ity is
; *ops* the generated operator table
(define (p2 string) ((@ (parser stis-parser) parse)
string (f-seq expr2 f-eof)))
scheme@(guile-user)> (p2 "1^2^3")
$1 = ((yfx 10 "^" #\^)
((yfx 10 "^" #\^)
(#:number 1)
(#:number 2)
3 1)
(#:number 3)
5 1)
So the parse tree has format
Binary = (Tag Term Term Line column)
UNARY = (Tag Term Line column)
Tag = (type level operator first-char)
With this one can deduce a simple evaluator compiler etc using e.g.
C semantics
enjoy making parsers for your favorite syntax.
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- stis-parser v0.1,
Stefan Israelsson Tampe <=