;; guile-wiredtiger - 0.2 - 2015/10/22
;; Copyright © 2014-2015 Amirouche BOUBEKKI
;; guile-wiredtiger is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
;; (at your option) or version 3.
;; guile-wiredtiger is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with guile-wiredtiger. If not, see
;;; Comment:
;; Tested with wiredtiger-2.6.1
(define-module (wiredtigerz))
(use-modules (ice-9 match))
(use-modules (ice-9 receive))
(use-modules (srfi srfi-1)) ;; append-map
(use-modules (srfi srfi-9)) ;; records
(use-modules (srfi srfi-9 gnu)) ;; set-record-type-printer!
(use-modules (srfi srfi-26)) ;; cut
(use-modules (wiredtiger))
;;; plain records
;; macro to quickly define immutable records
;; Usage:
;; (define-record-type seats wheels)
;; (define smart (make-abc 2 4))
;; (car-seats smart) ;; => 2
;; Mutation is not done in place, via set-field or set-fields eg.:
;; (define smart-for-4 (set-field smart (seats) 4))
(define-syntax define-record-type*
(lambda (x)
(define (%id-name name) (string->symbol (string-drop (string-drop-right (symbol->string name) 1) 1)))
(define (id-name ctx name)
(datum->syntax ctx (%id-name (syntax->datum name))))
(define (id-append ctx . syms)
(datum->syntax ctx (apply symbol-append (map syntax->datum syms))))
(syntax-case x ()
((_ rname field ...)
(and (identifier? #'rname) (and-map identifier? #'(field ...)))
(with-syntax ((cons (id-append #'rname #'make- (id-name #'rname #'rname)))
(pred (id-append #'rname (id-name #'rname #'rname) #'?))
((getter ...) (map (lambda (f)
(id-append f (id-name #'rname #'rname) #'- f))
#'(field ...))))
#'(define-record-type rname
(cons field ...)
(field getter)
;;; helpers
(define-public (scm->string scm)
(lambda (port)
(write scm port))))
(define-public (string->scm string)
(call-with-input-string string
(lambda (port)
(read port))))
;;; wiredtigerz try to explicit main wiredtiger workflow
;; This modules defines a star procedure version of wiredtiger procedure
;; to help jump into wiredtiger making the main workflow more explicit.
;; The main workflow is the following:
;; 1. define a some table and indices
;; 2. open session per thread
;; 3. open a single cursor per table and indices
;; 4. forward cursor navigation
;; In theory you might open multiple cursors for the same table/index but this
;; leads to extra bookeeping for which I have no good reason to apply.
;; The API defined as star procedure try to remains thin on top of wiredtiger
;; so that you can drop to raw wiredtiger when required, like open multiple cursors.
;; This introduce a declarative API (described below) that both defines the tables
;; and the cursor in single block of code which must be used with `session-create*`
;; and `cursor-open*` which do the job described in 1. and 2.
;; Also wiredtiger mainly rely on statefull API where the cursor is first configured with
;; cursor-key-set and then an operation is executed on it like cursor-search or
;; cursor-remove. This leaves the door open for many workflows while keeping each
;; procedure signature simple.
;; The purpose of the proposed (star) procedures is to simplify user code by covering
;; the main workflow (I've encountered) while leaving aside some performance concerns.
;;; Declarative api
;; Declare the layout of the database and its cursors using list and symbols
;; Here is two example configurations:
;; (define atoms '(atoms
;; ((uid . record))
;; ((assoc . raw))
;; ()))
;; (define arrows '(arrows
;; ((key . record))
;; ((start . unsigned-integer)
;; (end . unsigned-integer))
;; ;; index
;; '((outgoings (start) (uid end))
;; (incomings (end) (uid start)))))
;; The format can be described as follow:
;; (table-name
;; (key assoc as (column-name . column-type))
;; (value assoc as (column-name . column-type))
;; (indices as (indexed name (indexed keys) (projection as column names))))
;; If there is no indices, the field MUST NOT be omited but replaced with an empty list
;; The configuration can be used in (session-create* session . configs) to create
;; the tables and indices.
;; And then in (cursor-open* session . configs) to all the table and indices cursors.
;; A record exists which should be associated with a thread. It encapsulates
;; a and cursors.
;; A can be created with (context-open connection . config).
;; Shortcuts exists to execute transaction against a context directly.
;; utils for declarative configuration
(define-record-type* name key value indices)
(define-record-type* name keys values)
;; FIXME: some types are missing
(define (symbol->config symbol)
(assoc-ref '((record . "r")
(string . "S")
(unsigned-integer . "Q")
(integer . "q")
(raw . "u"))
;;; define session-create*
(define-public (session-create* session . configs)
;; XXX: here instead of using `session-create` downstream
;; we wait for `session-create` arguments instead.
;; This makes the code easier to test...
(define (create args)
(apply session-create (cons session args)))
;; prepare arguments for every config and apply them
(for-each create (append-map config-prepare-create configs)))
(define-public (config-prepare-create config)
;; a config generate one table and maybe several indices
(cons (config-prepare-create-table config)
(config-prepare-create-indices config)))
(define (config-prepare-create-table config)
;; transform declarative api into a session-create arguments
(define (symbols->config symbols)
(string-concatenate (map (cut symbol->config <>) symbols)))
(define (symbols->columns symbols)
(string-join (map (cut symbol->string <>) symbols) ","))
(let* ((config (apply make-config config))
(name (string-append "table:" (symbol->string (config-name config))))
(key (symbols->config (map cdr (config-key config))))
(value (symbols->config (map cdr (config-value config))))
(columns (append (config-key config) (config-value config)))
(columns (symbols->columns (map car columns)))
(config (format #false
key value columns)))
(list name config)))
(define (config-prepare-create-indices config)
;; one config may have multiple indices
(let ((config (apply make-config config)))
(map (config-prepare-create-index (config-name config)) (config-indices config))))
(define (config-prepare-create-index name)
;; convert declarative configuration to session-create arguments
(define (symbols->columns symbols)
(string-join (map (cut symbol->string <>) symbols) ","))
(lambda (index)
(let* ((index (apply make-index index))
(name (string-append "index:" (symbol->string name) ":" (symbol->string (index-name index))))
(columns (format #false "columns=(~a)" (symbols->columns (index-keys index)))))
(list name columns))))
;;; define cursor-open*
;; open cursor for every table and indices in an assoc where the key is
;; the table name for main cursor, '-append prefixed with the name of table
;; for the append cursor when applicable and the name index prefixed with
;; the name of the table.
;; cursor-open* will automatically create a 'append' cursor for tables
;; that have single record column.
(define-public (cursor-open* session . configs)
;; XXX: just like session-open* we expect cursor-open arguments
;; but this time we return an assoc made of ('cursor-name . cursor)
(define (open name+args)
(cons (car name+args) (apply cursor-open (cons session (cadr name+args)))))
;; prepare arguments for every config and apply them
(map open (append-map config-prepare-open configs)))
(define (config-prepare-open config)
(append (config-prepare-cursor-open config)
(config-prepare-cursor-append-open config)
(config-prepare-cursor-indices-open config)))
(define (config-prepare-cursor-open config)
(let* ((config (apply make-config config))
(name (config-name config)))
;; XXX: config-prepare-open expect a list of cursor-open arguments
(list (list name (list (format #false "table:~a" name))))))
(define (config-prepare-cursor-append-open config)
(define (key-is-record? key)
(and (eq? (length key) 1) (eq? (cdar key) 'record)))
(let* ((config (apply make-config config))
(name (config-name config))
(cursor-name (symbol-append name '-append)))
(if (key-is-record? (config-key config))
;; add a append cursor over the table
;; XXX: config-prepare-open expect a list of cursor-open arguments
(list (list cursor-name (list (format #false "table:~a" name) "append")))
;; no cursor is required
(define (config-prepare-cursor-indices-open config)
(let ((config (apply make-config config)))
(map (config-prepare-cursor-index-open (config-name config)) (config-indices config))))
(define (config-prepare-cursor-index-open name)
(define (symbols->columns symbols)
(string-join (map (cut symbol->string <>) symbols) ","))
(lambda (index)
(let* ((index (apply make-index index))
(columns (symbols->columns (index-values index)))
(cursor-name (symbol-append name '- (index-name index))))
(if (equal? columns "")
(list cursor-name
(list (format #false "index:~a:~a" name (index-name index))))
(list cursor-name
(list (format #false "index:~a:~a(~a)" name (index-name index) columns)))))))
;;; wiredtiger-create
;; Create database and return a connection with its cursors
(define-public (wiredtiger-open path . configs)
(let* ((connection (connection-open path "create"))
(session (session-open connection)))
(apply session-create* (append (list session) configs))
(values (cons connection session) (apply cursor-open* (append (list session) configs)))))
(define-public (wiredtiger-close database)
(connection-close (car database)))
;; A session and cursors assoc
(define-record-type* session cursors)
(export context-session)
(define-public (context-open connection . configs)
(let* ((session (session-open connection))
(cursors (apply cursor-open* (cons session configs))))
(make-context session cursors)))
(define-public (context-ref context name)
(assoc-ref (context-cursors context) name))
(define-public (context-begin context)
(session-transaction-begin (context-session context)))
(define-public (context-commit context)
(session-transaction-commit (context-session context)))
(define-public (context-rollback context)
(session-transaction-rollback (context-session context)))
(define-syntax-rule (with-transaction context e ...)
(context-begin context)
(let ((out (begin e ...)))
(context-commit context)
(export with-transaction)
;;; Cursor navigation
;; Quickly operate on cursors
;; helper for reseting cursors after doing some operations
;; @@@: emacs: (put 'with-cursor 'scheme-indent-function 1)
(define-syntax-rule (with-cursor cursor e ...)
(let ((out (begin e ...)))
(cursor-reset cursor)
(export with-cursor)
(define-public (cursor-value-ref* cursor . key)
(with-cursor cursor
(apply cursor-key-set (cons cursor key))
(if (cursor-search cursor)
(cursor-value-ref cursor)
(define-public (cursor-insert* cursor key value)
(when (not (null? key))
(apply cursor-key-set (cons cursor key)))
(apply cursor-value-set (cons cursor value))
(cursor-insert cursor))
(define-public (cursor-update* cursor key value)
(apply cursor-key-set (cons cursor key))
(apply cursor-value-set (cons cursor value))
(cursor-update cursor))
(define-public (cursor-remove* cursor . key)
(apply cursor-key-set (cons cursor key))
(cursor-remove cursor))
(define-public (cursor-search* cursor . key)
(apply cursor-key-set (cons cursor key))
(cursor-search cursor))
(define-public (cursor-search-near* cursor . key-prefix)
"Search near KEY on CURSOR and prepare a forward range"
(apply cursor-key-set (cons cursor key-prefix))
(let ((code (cursor-search-near cursor)))
((or (eq? code -1) (eq? code 4294967295)) (if (cursor-next cursor) #true #false))
;; not found
((eq? code #false) #false)
;; 0 the correct position or 1 which means above and should be filtered
;; if above the key-prefix range
(else #true))))
(define-public (prefix? prefix other)
"Return #true if OTHER has KEY as prefix"
;; filter "empty" values from the key
(define (empty? x) (or (eq? x 0) (equal? x "") (eq? x #vu8())))
(define (predicate? a b) (not (or (empty? a) (equal? a b))))
(not (any predicate? prefix other)))
(define-public (cursor-range cursor . key-prefix)
"Return CURSOR range association where keys match PREFIX"
(define (next?)
(if (cursor-next cursor)
(prefix? key-prefix (cursor-key-ref cursor))
(with-cursor cursor
(if (apply cursor-search-near* (cons cursor key-prefix))
(let loop ((out (list))
(next (prefix? key-prefix (cursor-key-ref cursor))))
(if next
(loop (acons (cursor-key-ref cursor) (cursor-value-ref cursor) out)
;;; generate-uid
(define-public (generate-uid exists?)
"Generate a random string made up alphanumeric ascii chars that doesn't exists
according to `exists?`"
(define (random-id)
;; append 8 alphanumeric chars from `CHARS`
(let loop ((count 8)
(id ""))
(if (eq? count 0)
(loop (1- count) (format #f "~a~a" id (string-ref CHARS (random 36)))))))
(let loop ()
;; generate a random uid until it find an id that doesn't already exists?
(let ((id (random-id)))
(if (exists? id) (loop) id))))
;;; tests
(use-modules (ice-9 receive))
(define-public (path-join . rest)
"Return the absolute path made of REST. If the first item
of REST is not absolute the current working directory
will be prepend"
(let ((path (string-join rest "/")))
(if (string-prefix? "/" path)
(string-append (getcwd) "/" path))))
(define-public (path-dfs-walk dirpath proc)
(define dir (opendir dirpath))
(let loop ()
(let ((entry (readdir dir)))
((eof-object? entry))
((or (equal? entry ".") (equal? entry "..")) (loop))
(else (let ((path (path-join dirpath entry)))
(if (equal? (stat:type (stat path)) 'directory)
(begin (path-dfs-walk path proc)
(proc path))
(begin (proc path) (loop))))))))
(closedir dir)
(proc (path-join dirpath)))
(define-public (rmtree path)
(path-dfs-walk path (lambda (path)
(if (equal? (stat:type (stat path)) 'directory)
(rmdir path)
(delete-file path)))))
(define-syntax-rule (with-directory path e ...)
(when (access? path F_OK)
(rmtree path))
(mkdir path)
e ...
(rmtree path)))
;;; print
;; nicer format
;; (print "Héllo World, " ~s (list "you-name-it"))
(define-public (print . rest)
(let ((template (reverse (cdr (reverse rest))))
(parameters (car (reverse rest))))
(let loop ((template template)
(parameters parameters))
(if (null? template)
(if (procedure? (car template))
(begin ((car template) (car parameters))
(loop (cdr template) (cdr parameters)))
(begin (display (car template))
(loop (cdr template) parameters)))))))
(define-public (~s s) (format #true "~s" s))
(define-public (~a s) (format #true "~a" s))
;;; test-check
(define-syntax test-check
(syntax-rules ()
((_ title tested-expression expected-result)
(print "* Checking " ~s (list title))
(let* ((expected expected-result)
(produced tested-expression))
(if (not (equal? expected produced))
(begin (print "Expected: " ~a (list expected))
(print "Computed: " ~a (list produced)))))))))
(when (or (getenv "CHECK") (getenv "CHECK_WIREDTIGERZ"))
;;; test declarative API
(test-check "create table config without index"
(config-prepare-create '(atoms
((uid . record))
((assoc . raw))
(list (list "table:atoms" "key_format=r,value_format=u,columns=(uid,assoc)")))
(test-check "create table config with index and projections"
(config-prepare-create '(arrows
((key . record))
((start . unsigned-integer)
(end . unsigned-integer))
;; index
((outgoings (uid,start) (uid end))
(incomings (end) ()))))
(list (list "table:arrows" "key_format=r,value_format=QQ,columns=(key,start,end)")
(list "index:arrows:outgoings" "columns=(uid,start)")
(list "index:arrows:incomings" "columns=(end)")))
(test-check "create cursor config without index"
(config-prepare-open '(atoms
((uid . record))
((assoc . raw))
(list (list 'atoms (list "table:atoms"))
(list 'atoms-append (list "table:atoms" "append"))))
(test-check "create cursor config with index with and without projection"
(config-prepare-open '(atoms
((uid . record))
((assoc . raw))
((reversex (assoc) (uid))
(reverse (assoc) ()))))
(list (list 'atoms (list "table:atoms"))
(list 'atoms-append (list "table:atoms" "append"))
(list 'atoms-reversex (list "index:atoms:reversex(uid)"))
(list 'atoms-reverse (list "index:atoms:reverse"))))
"/tmp/culturia" (receive (db cursors)
(wiredtiger-open "/tmp/culturia"
'(table ((key . record)) ((value . integer)) ()))
(test-check "wiredtiger-open"
(wiredtiger-close db)))
"/tmp/culturia" (receive (db cursors)
(wiredtiger-open "/tmp/culturia"
'(table ((key . record)) ((value . integer)) ()))
(test-check "cursor-insert* and cursor-search*"
(let ((cursor (assoc-ref cursors 'table))
(append (assoc-ref cursors 'table-append)))
(cursor-insert* append #nil (list 42))
(cursor-insert* append #nil (list 1337))
(cursor-insert* append #nil (list 1985))
(cursor-search* cursor 1)
(cursor-value-ref cursor))
(list 42))
(wiredtiger-close db)))
"/tmp/culturia" (receive (db cursors)
(wiredtiger-open "/tmp/culturia"
'(table ((a . integer) (b . integer)) ((c . integer)) ()))
(test-check "cursor-range"
(let ((cursor (assoc-ref cursors 'table)))
(cursor-insert* cursor (list 0 0) (list 0))
(cursor-insert* cursor (list 1 1) (list 1))
(cursor-insert* cursor (list 1 2) (list 1))
(cursor-insert* cursor (list 2 0) (list 2))
(cursor-range cursor 1 0))
'(((1 2) 1)
((1 1) 1)))
(wiredtiger-close db)))
"/tmp/culturia" (receive (db cursors)
(wiredtiger-open "/tmp/culturia"
'(table ((a . integer) (b . integer)) ((c . integer)) ()))
(test-check "cursor-range 2"
(let ((cursor (assoc-ref cursors 'table)))
(cursor-insert* cursor (list 1 1) (list 1))
(cursor-insert* cursor (list 1 2) (list 1))
(cursor-insert* cursor (list 2 0) (list 2))
(cursor-range cursor 1 0))
'(((1 2) 1)
((1 1) 1)))
(wiredtiger-close db)))
"/tmp/culturia" (receive (db cursors)
(wiredtiger-open "/tmp/culturia"
'(table ((a . integer) (b . integer)) ((c . integer)) ()))
(test-check "cursor-range 3"
(let ((cursor (assoc-ref cursors 'table)))
(cursor-insert* cursor (list 2 0) (list 2))
(cursor-range cursor 1 0))
(wiredtiger-close db)))
"/tmp/culturia" (receive (db cursors)
(wiredtiger-open "/tmp/culturia"
'(table ((a . integer) (b . integer)) ((c . integer)) ()))
(test-check "cursor-range 3"
(let ((cursor (assoc-ref cursors 'table)))
(cursor-insert* cursor (list 0 0) (list 0))
(cursor-range cursor 1 0))
(wiredtiger-close db)))