From: | Stefan Israelsson Tampe |
Subject: | Re: eval-when not giving me what I hoped for |
Date: | Thu, 11 Feb 2016 10:37:38 +0100 |
I am trying to get a macro to expand at compile time using eval-when, but it’s not giving me what I expect:(eval-when (expand) (make-regexp pat)) …gets expanded to:(if #f #f)I would like to see something like#<regexp 1098a2d40>Any help would be appreciated. — MattI get the same (if #f #f) result whether I use (expand) or (compile).Below is1) my macro (missing the helpers all-const-string? and rx-let)2) the macro I use to compile to il-tree and then back to scheme3) the demo code4) the output from expand=== my macro ==========================(define-syntax regexp-case(lambda (x)(syntax-case x (else)((_ str ((pat v ...) exp ...) ... (else else-exp ...))(with-syntax (((id ...) (generate-temporaries #'(pat ...))))(all-const-string? #'(pat ...))#'(let ((id (eval-when (expand) (make-regexp pat))) ...)(cond((regexp-exec id str) =>(lambda (m) (rx-let m (v ...) exp ...)))...(else else-exp ...)))))((_ str ((pat v ...) exp ...) ...)(with-syntax (((id ...) (generate-temporaries #'(pat ...))))(all-const-string? #'(pat ...))#'(let ((id (eval-when (expand) (make-regexp pat))) ...)(cond((regexp-exec id str) =>(lambda (m) (rx-let m (v ...) exp ...)))...(else(scm-error #f "regexp-case""no match found: ~S" (list str)#f)))))))))=== the expand macro =======================#:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
#:use-module (system base compile)
(define* (expand-form e #:key (opts '()))
(let-values (((exp env) (decompile
(compile e #:from 'scheme
#:to 'tree-il
#:env (current-module))
#:from 'tree-il
#:to 'scheme
#:opts opts)))
(define-syntax-rule (expand _expression_)
(expand-form '_expression_))
=== orig test case ================(regexp-case str(("^([a-z]+)\\(([0-9]+)\\)$" v i)(list v i))(("^([a-z]+)$" v)(list v "1")))=== output from expand =============(let ((t-768 (if #f #f))
(t-769 (if #f #f)))
(let ((t (regexp-exec t-768 str)))
(if t
(let ((m t))
(let ((v (match:substring m 1))
(i (match:substring m 2)))
(list v i)))
(let ((t (regexp-exec t-769 str)))
(if t
(let* ((m t) (v (match:substring m 1)))
(list v "1"))
"no match found: ~S"
(list str)
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