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Re: [ANN] Shroud 0.1 released

From: Alex Vong
Subject: Re: [ANN] Shroud 0.1 released
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2015 18:35:18 +0800

Hi everyone,

I am new to encryption programs. The only thing I have done so far is
to use GPG to generate myself a key and to sign a tarball. What should
I read next to understand the whole concept of encryption and what can
I do with it to protect my piracy? Do you recommend people new to
encryption programs to try your program? Thanks!


On 29/09/2015, David Thompson <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hello Guilers,
> I am pleased to announce the release of Shroud 0.1.  Shroud is a
> simple secret manager with a command line interface.  The password
> database is stored as a Scheme s-expression and encrypted with a GnuPG
> key.  Secrets consist of an arbitrary number of key/value pairs, making
> Shroud suitable for more than just password storage.  For copying and
> pasting secrets into web browsers and other graphical applications,
> there is xclip integration.
> Yes, I know, yet another password manager.  This was to scratch an itch
> of mine.  I wasn't happy with any other password management programs
> available.  They either didn't use GnuPG or used storage formats that I
> didn't like.  For me, the simple s-expression format (just an alist!) is
> a big win because of how easy it is to manipulate the structure either
> programattically or by hand.
> Usage information may be found on Shroud's home page:
> Bug reports may be sent to me directly.
> Download:
> SHA1: c63993f6c8795cc062f0b91b1db09cfbfab908e1
> Happy hacking!
> --
> David Thompson
> GPG Key: 0FF1D807

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