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Re: [RFC] Guile project generator

From: Alex Sassmannshausen
Subject: Re: [RFC] Guile project generator
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2015 22:28:39 +0200


This is fun, because I recently have been thinking about exactly this
kind of project.  I like that you propose it become part of guild, and
agree with the basic set of files to be generated (funnily enough I was
basing my base files on guix too ;-) ).

So to the project I say "Aye, this looks awesome".  Wrt to
implementation, I was toying with the idea for the project, but I'm a
little rubbish when it comes to deadlines in my spare-time projects, so
any other takers, don't stop yourself on account of my ambition :-)

Cheers for starting the discussion!


David Thompson writes:

> Hello Guilers,
> Following a conversation on #guile about making it easier to generate
> boilerplate for new Guile projects and reduce the need to snarf and/or
> monkey type build system configs from other projects, I would like to
> throw out an idea for a new guild subcommand:
>     guild init foo --license=gpl3+ --author="Lemme Tweakit <address@hidden>"
> This could create the following skeleton files:
>     foo/COPYING 
>     foo/README 
>     foo/
>     foo/
>     foo/
>     foo/foo.scm
>     foo/foo/
>     foo/tests/foo.scm
>     foo/doc/foo.texi
> These files cover the basic necessities for a good source tree:
> License and copyright information, introductory text, build system,
> manual, base module, configuration module, test suite, and
> pre-installation environment.  The exact set of files and their
> default contents should be adjusted to fit community best practices.
> I modeled this possible skeleton directory on Guix, because Guix is
> great. :)
> What do you all think?  More importantly, would anyone like to
> implement this?
> Happy hacking,

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