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Re: Graph coloring with Scheme

From: Jan Wedekind
Subject: Re: Graph coloring with Scheme
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 12:27:25 +0000 (GMT)
User-agent: Alpine 2.02 (DEB 1266 2009-07-14)

Forgot to use the ordering actually. It needs to be:

(define (coloring graph nodes) (assign-colors graph (nodes graph) (order graph 
(nodes graph))))

Or one can do the ordering directly within the "assign-colors" function:

(define (assign-colors graph nodes colors)
  (if (null? nodes) '()
    (let* [(target    (argmin (lambda (node) (length (adjacent graph node))) 
           (coloring  (assign-colors (remove-node graph target) (delete target 
nodes) colors))
           (blocked   (map (cut assq-ref coloring <>) (adjacent graph target)))
           (available (lset-difference eq? colors blocked))]
      (cons (cons target (car available)) coloring))))
(define (coloring graph colors) (assign-colors graph (nodes graph) colors))

On Fri, 14 Nov 2014, Jan Wedekind wrote:

Here is an implementation [1] of Chaitin's graph coloring algorithm using GNU Guile and Graphviz. Any feedback and suggestions are welcome. Let me know if you can make the implementation more concise ;)

Regards Jan

(use-modules (srfi srfi-1)
            (srfi srfi-26))
(define (dot graph colors)
 (apply string-append
        (append (list "graph g {")
(map (lambda (color) (format #f " ~a [style=filled, fillcolor=~a];" (car color) (cdr color))) colors) (map (lambda (edge) (format #f " ~a -- ~a;" (car edge) (cdr edge))) graph)
                (list " }"))))
(define (graphviz graph colors) (system (format #f "echo '~a' | dot -Tpng | display -" (dot graph colors)))) (define (nodes graph) (delete-duplicates (append (map car graph) (map cdr graph)))) (define (has-node? edge node) (or (eq? (car edge) node) (eq? (cdr edge) node)))
(define (adjacent graph node) (nodes (filter (cut has-node? <> node) graph)))
(define (remove-node graph node) (filter (lambda (edge) (not (has-node? edge node))) graph))
(define (argmin fun lst)
 (let* [(vals   (map fun lst))
        (minval (apply min vals))]
   (list-ref lst (- (length lst) (length (member minval vals))))))
(define (order graph nodes)
 (if (null? nodes) '()
(let [(target (argmin (lambda (node) (length (adjacent graph node))) nodes))] (cons target (order (remove-node graph target) (delete target nodes))))))
(define (assign-colors graph nodes colors)
 (if (null? nodes) '()
   (let* [(target    (car nodes))
(coloring (assign-colors (remove-node graph target) (delete target nodes) colors)) (blocked (map (cut assq-ref coloring <>) (adjacent graph target)))
          (available (lset-difference eq? colors blocked))]
     (cons (cons target (car available)) coloring))))
(define (coloring graph colors) (assign-colors graph (nodes graph) colors))
(let [(graph '((b . a) (a . c) (d . c)))] (graphviz graph (coloring graph '(red green blue))))


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