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Re: Which is the best way to collect lists?
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Chaos Eternal |
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Re: Which is the best way to collect lists? |
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Sat, 10 Aug 2013 21:07:51 +0800 |
IMHO, you need to think scheme way, say
(filter (lambda (x) (> x 10)) orig-list)
scheme is not old languages.
On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 8:45 PM, 康桥 <address@hidden> wrote:
> We often process a list into another one in LISP.
> For example:
> (define (filter-a l)
> (if (null? l) '()
> (let ((n (car l))
> (r (filter-a (cdr l))))
> (if (> n 10) r (cons n r)))))
> The procedure above can choose the items in 'l' which is
> less than or equal ten, then put them in a new list,
> and return the new list.
> Lists in LISP are very simple structures and they have a
> big disadvantage - it's not easy to append a new element
> to the tail of the list.Some programmers would push them
> into the top of the list, then reverse the list to get
> the final result.But I like recursing very much, so I
> usually use recursion to collect the result list.
> But in my opinion, both of the two ways are not good.
> I think my way is wasting stack - local variables use
> stack, but only the last pair of the list being
> collected is useful(we use it to connect to next pair).
> To reverse the list after collecting it is wasting time
> - why not collect it at once but do a twice processing?
> I have invented a way to solve this problem.My algorithm
> is similar to the implement of queue in SLIB.
> Here is my new way to do filtering:
> (define (filter-a l)
> (letrec ((result '())
> (last-pair '())
> (grow (lambda (x)
> (let ((tmp (list x)))
> (set! result tmp)
> (set! last-pair tmp))
> (set! grow (lambda (x)
> (let ((tmp (list x)))
> (set-cdr! last-pair tmp)
> (set! last-pair tmp)))))))
> (let growing ()
> (if (null? l) result
> (let ((first (car l)))
> (if (<= first 10)
> (grow first))
> (set! l (cdr l))
> (growing))))))
> It's a little complex, but it can save a lot of space
> especially when collecting much data.
> But maybe my way could slow the collecting, because
> to make a closure need some time.
> Which way is good?
> I am a schoolboy from China.I have a lot of friends
> who would say "Microsoft has monopolized all." while
> using Dev-C++.They would prefer Python or C# rather
> than LISP or other old languages.So I need your help.
> Sorry for some mistakes in my mail due to my terrible
> English.