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Infix syntax
From: |
Daniel Skarda |
Subject: |
Infix syntax |
Date: |
03 Oct 2002 13:26:42 +0200 |
User-agent: |
Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) Emacs/20.7 |
I suppose, that all Guile users on this list are used to special lisp syntax
and are happy with it as I am. Though sometimes it is somewhat awkward to
mathematical expressions to prefix syntax.
I revived my module infix.scm, which enrich Guile syntax with expressions.
The module was part of cursed gettext patch. While ago I rewrote the module and
removed dependencies on poor gettext patch.
To take an advantage of infix syntax, (use-module (ice-9 infix)) and call
For infix grammar activation I chose read-hash-extend and square brackets:
#[1 + 2 * 3]
=> 7
Have a nice day,
;--- ice-9/infix.scm ------------------------------------------------
(define-module (ice-9 infix)
:use-module (ice-9 optargs))
; This module adds to Guile simple parser of infix (C-like)
; expressions. Parser is quite simple - you have to keep in mind that
; all operators are scheme symbols - you should write spaces around
; them to separate them from numbers and other symbols (variables,
; "function" names etc).
; '[', ']' and ',' act as separators - these are exceptions handled
; by infix parser.
; Also note that parser handles C-like expressions, not statements!
; Semicolon ';' start comments
; Examples:
; #[ 1 + 2 * 3 ]
; -=> 7
; #[ (1 + 2) * 3 ]
; -=> 9
; #[ cos (PI) ]
; -=> -1
; #[2 ^ 3 ^ 4]
; -=> 2417851639229258349412352
; #[(2 ^ 3) ^ 4 ]
; -=> 4096
; #[6 / 3 / 2]
; -=> 1
; #[6 / (3 / 2)]
; -=> 4
; #[sin(1) ^ 2 + cos(1) * cos(1)]
; -=> 1
; #[ string-length("foo") ]
; -=> 3
; #[ modulo(5, 3) ]
; -=> 2
; (vector-ref a 12)
; -=> 12
; #[ a[12]^(a[12] - 10) ]
; #[a[12] < 13 && ! (25 * 0 > 1)]
; -=> #t
;--- utils ... --------------------------------------------------------
(define (remove-if-not pred? l)
(do ((l l (cdr l))
(r '() (if (pred? (car l)) (cons (car l) r) r)))
((null? l) (reverse! r))))
(define (sloppy-min . lst)
(let ((nlst (remove-if-not number? lst)))
(and (pair? nlst) (apply min nlst))))
;--- Simple tokenizer ... ---------------------------------------------
(define (make-read-tokenizer port)
(define (get-token)
(let ((ch (read-char port)))
((eof-object? ch) the-eof-object)
((char-whitespace? ch) (get-token))
((memq ch '(#\( #\) #\[ #\] #\,)) ch)
((eq? ch #\;) (%read-line) (get-token))
(unread-char ch port)
(let ((sym (read port)))
(if (symbol? sym)
(let ((str (symbol->string sym)))
((sloppy-min (string-index str #\,)
(string-index str #\[)
(string-index str #\]))
=> (lambda (idx)
(let ((sub (substring str 0 idx)))
(unread-string (substring str idx) port)
(or (string->number sub) (string->symbol sub)))))
(else sym)))
;---- utils ... -------------------------------------------------------
(define (char-rparen? x)
(eq? x #\)))
(define (char-rbracket? x)
(eq? x #\]))
(define-public (helper-nth o n)
((vector? o) (vector-ref o n))
((pair? o) (list-ref o n))
((string? o) (string-ref o n))
(error "Do not know how to handle [] operator"))))
;---- definitions ... -------------------------------------------------
(define infix-ops (make-vector 11))
(define infix-func (make-vector 11))
(define infix-right (make-vector 11))
(define* (add-infix-operator name priority #:key right func)
(hashq-set! infix-ops name priority)
(if right (hashq-set! infix-right name #t))
(if func (hashq-set! infix-func name func)))
(define prefix-ops (make-vector 11))
(define prefix-func (make-vector 11))
(define* (add-prefix-operator name priority #:key func)
(hashq-set! prefix-ops name priority)
(if func (hashq-set! prefix-func name func)))
(define (get-infix-priority op)
(hashq-ref infix-ops op))
(define (get-infix-func op)
(hashq-ref infix-func op op))
(define (infix-right-assoc? op)
(hashq-ref infix-right op))
(define (get-prefix-priority op)
(hashq-ref prefix-ops op))
(define (get-prefix-func op)
(hashq-ref prefix-func op op))
;--- stack/op utils ---------------------------------------------------
(define op-priority car)
(define op-func cadr)
(define op-nof cddr)
(define push cons)
(define (make-op func priority nof)
(cons* priority func nof))
(define (stack-apply-op s op)
(let ((nof (op-nof op)))
(cons (cons (op-func op) (reverse! (list-head s nof)))
(list-tail s nof))))
;---- read infix expr--------------------------------------------------
(define (read-infix-expr get-token end? allow-commas)
(let loop ((stack '())
(ops '())
(token (get-token))
(unary? #t))
(define (flush)
(let flush-loop ((stack stack)
(ops ops))
(if (null? ops)
(car stack)
(flush-loop (stack-apply-op stack (car ops)) (cdr ops)))))
(define (continue func priority nof right? unary?)
(let iloop ((stack stack)
(ops ops))
(if (and (pair? ops)
(not (and right? (eq? func (op-func (car ops)))))
(<= priority (op-priority (car ops))))
(iloop (stack-apply-op stack (car ops)) (cdr ops))
(loop stack (push (make-op func priority nof) ops)
(get-token) unary?))))
(if unary?
; -- "unary" operators --
((eq? token #\()
(loop (push (read-infix-expr get-token char-rparen? #f) stack) ops
(get-token) #f))
((eof-object? token) (error "Unexpected EOF"))
((end? token) (error (%% "Unexpected ~a" token)))
(let ((priority (get-infix-priority token)))
(if priority
(continue (get-infix-func token) priority 1 #f #t)
(loop (push token stack) ops (get-token) #f)))))
; --- "binary" operators
; fcall (x , y , z)
((and (eq? token #\() (symbol? (car stack)))
(loop (push (cons (car stack) (read-infix-expr get-token char-rparen?
#t)) (cdr stack))
ops (get-token) #f))
; smthng [ index ]
((eq? token #\[)
(loop (push (list helper-nth (car stack)
(read-infix-expr get-token char-rbracket? #f))
(cdr stack))
ops (get-token) #f))
; smthng , smthng
((and allow-commas (eq? token #\,))
(cons (flush) (loop '() '() (get-token) #t)))
; end-of-expr
((end? token)
((if allow-commas list identity) (flush)))
((eof-object? token) (error "Unexpected EOF"))
; smthng 'op' smthng
(let ((priority (get-infix-priority token)))
(if priority
(continue (get-infix-func token) priority 2 (infix-right-assoc?
token) #t)
(error (%% "Unknown infix operator ~a" token)))))))))
;--- Utils ...---------------------------------------------------------
(define (infix-string->expr s)
(read-infix-expr (make-read-tokenizer (open-input-string s)) eof-object? #f))
(define (read-hash-infix _ port)
(read-infix-expr (make-read-tokenizer port) char-rbracket? #f))
(define (activate-infix)
(read-hash-extend #\[ read-hash-infix))
;--- Init ... ---------------------------------------------------------
(add-infix-operator '|| 5 #:func 'or)
(add-infix-operator '&& 10 #:func 'and)
(add-infix-operator '< 15)
(add-infix-operator '> 15)
(add-infix-operator '== 15 #:func 'eq?)
(add-infix-operator '<= 15)
(add-infix-operator '>= 15)
(add-infix-operator '+ 20)
(add-infix-operator '- 20)
(add-infix-operator '* 25)
(add-infix-operator '/ 25)
(add-infix-operator '% 25 #:func 'modulo)
(add-infix-operator '^ 35 #:func 'expt #:right #t)
(add-infix-operator '** 35 #:func 'expt #:right #t)
(add-prefix-operator '! 40 #:func 'not)
(add-prefix-operator '- 40)
;--- Export ... -------------------------------------------------------
(export make-read-tokenizer
add-infix-operator add-prefix-operator
- Infix syntax,
Daniel Skarda <=