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Re: status: separation of expansion/optimization/memoization/execution

From: Marius Vollmer
Subject: Re: status: separation of expansion/optimization/memoization/execution
Date: 10 Aug 2002 15:01:47 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

Dirk Herrmann <address@hidden> writes:

> > Hmm, what is the purpose of this seperation?  As far as I can see, the
> > important thing is the separate memoization from execution, not the
> > various stages of memoization itself.
> Well, I have to agree that I am not yet sure whether this separation is
> actually necessary.  For me, this is a means to get a clearer idea of what
> is actually going on

Ok, but you are seeing a significant loss inperformance because of
them, right?  Although I think it is acceptable to make on-the-fly
compilation more expensive in order to allow ahead-of-time
compilation, we should not do it gratuitously.  It will be a long way
until we might no longer want to care about the on-the-fly compiler
since everybody compiles their important code ahead-of-time anyway.

So, cleaning up the existing lazy memoizer is a very good thing
indeed.  But I'd say you should also make sure that you don't
significantly lose performance by doing it.  That part of Guile will
be performance-critical for quite some time.

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