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Re: Reloading modules with out restarting guile?

From: Christopher Cramer
Subject: Re: Reloading modules with out restarting guile?
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 20:46:56 -0600
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

On Mon, Mar 25, 2002 at 04:38:44PM -0500, Brett Viren wrote:
> With out quitting and restarting the guile exectuable, is there a way
> to re-load a pure scheme module after its source file has been edited?
> This seems to work with a simple file and the "load" function, but not
> "use-modules".

Calling load is pretty much the only way, since use-modules won't load
a module that is already loaded.

> What about a module that uses a scheme file that then calls
> dynamic-link/dynami-call, can this be reloaded after it has been
> modified/recompiled?

If you explicitly unload the shared library, this might be possible.

Christopher Cramer <address@hidden> <>
Quoi que vous fassiez, écrasez l'infâme, et aimez qui vous aime.
        -- Voltaire

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